React.js HTML5 Camera Photo
The first objective of this package comes from the need to get the same look and feel of a native mobile camera app but with a react component.
For those who want to build with their own css and need an abstraction of getUserMedia()
take a look of jslib-html5-camera-photo with react.
- react: >=16.8.0
- react-dom: >=16.8.0
Demo of react-html5-camera-photo
Required Working Environment for getUserMedia()
https or localhost : The
method is only available in secure contexts(https or localhost)
. If a document isn't loaded in a secure context, the navigator.mediaDevices property is undefined, making access to getUserMedia() impossible. Attempting to accessgetUserMedia()
in this situation will result in a TypeError. See developer.mozilla.orgiOS >= 11 WebRTC issue with webkit (Chrome & Firefox) : Apple restricts WebRTC to Safari only so it mean that you can't use the
with Firefox and Chrome. SogetUserMedia()
is not supported yet, for "security reasons". See Stackoverflow
npm install --save react-html5-camera-photo
yarn add react-html5-camera-photo
TypeScript Definitions
TypeScript definitions are available from Definitely Typed
npm install --save-dev @types/react-html5-camera-photo
yarn add --dev @types/react-html5-camera-photo
Getting started
parameter | Description --- | --- onTakePhoto(dataUri): | Event function called when a photo is taken. the dataUri is passed as a parameter.
Minimum ES6 example
import React from 'react';
import Camera from 'react-html5-camera-photo';
import 'react-html5-camera-photo/build/css/index.css';
function App (props) {
function handleTakePhoto (dataUri) {
// Do stuff with the photo...
return (
onTakePhoto = { (dataUri) => { handleTakePhoto(dataUri); } }
export default App;
Properties | Type | Default | Description
--- | --- | --- | ---
onCameraStart(): (optional) | Event || Callback called when the camera is started.
onCameraStop(): (optional) | Event || Callback called when the camera is stopped.
onCameraError(error): (Optional) | Event || Callback called with the error object as parameter when error occur while opening the camera. Often the permission.
onTakePhoto(dataUri): (Optional) | Event || The function called when a photo is taken. the dataUri is passed as a parameter.
onTakePhotoAnimationDone(dataUri): (Optional) | Event || The function called when a photo is taken and the animation is done. the dataUri is passed as a parameter.
idealFacingMode: (Optional) (Dynamic) | String | Browser default | The ideal facing mode of the camera, environment
or user
constant to get the right string. Example :. FACING_MODES.ENVIRONMENT or FACING_MODES.USER
idealResolution: (Optional) (Dynamic) | Object | Browser default | Object of the ideal resolution of the camera, {width: Integer, height: Integer}
isMaxResolution: (Optional) (Dynamic) | Boolean | false | If is true, the camera will start with his own maximum resolution.
isImageMirror: (Optional) | Boolean | true | If is true, the camera image will be mirror.
isSilentMode:(Optional) | Boolean | false | If is true, the camera do not play click sound when the photo was taken.
isFullscreen: (Optional) | Boolean | false | If is true, the camera image will be set fullscreen to force the maximum width and height of the viewport.
isDisplayStartCameraError: (Optional) | Boolean | true | If is true, if the camera start with error, it will show the error between h1 tag on the top of the component. Useful to notify the user about permission error.
sizeFactor: (Optional) | Number | 1 | Number of the factor resolution. Example, a sizeFactor of 1
get the same resolution of the camera while sizeFactor of 0.5
get the half resolution of the camera. The sizeFactor can be between range of ]0, 1]
imageType:: (Optional) | String | png | String used to get the desired image type between jpg
or png
. to specify the imageType use the constant IMAGE_TYPES, for example to specify jpg format use IMAGE_TYPES.JPG. Use IMAGE_TYPES
constant to get the right image type Example:. IMAGE_TYPES.JPG or IMAGE_TYPES.PNG
imageCompression:: (Optional) | Number | 0.92 | Number used to get the desired compression when jpg
is selected. choose a compression between [0, 1]
, 1 is maximum, 0 is minimum.
Dynamic : If the prop is dynamic, it mean that you can change that prop dynamically without umount the component (removing it). You can do it by a setState() inside the parent component. Checkout the demo example: ./src/demo/AppWithDynamicProperties.js
Example of closing the camera and image preview after take a photo
Probably the typical usage of using this component is to preview the image and close the camera after take a photo. You can take a look of all the code including the ImagePreview component here : ./src/demo/AppWithImagePreview
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Camera from 'react-html5-camera-photo';
import 'react-html5-camera-photo/build/css/index.css';
import ImagePreview from './ImagePreview'; // source code : ./src/demo/AppWithImagePreview/ImagePreview
function App (props) {
const [dataUri, setDataUri] = useState('');
function handleTakePhotoAnimationDone (dataUri) {
const isFullscreen = false;
return (
? <ImagePreview dataUri={dataUri}
: <Camera onTakePhotoAnimationDone = {handleTakePhotoAnimationDone}
export default App;
Example with all props used
import React from 'react';
import Camera, { FACING_MODES, IMAGE_TYPES } from 'react-html5-camera-photo';
import 'react-html5-camera-photo/build/css/index.css';
function App (props) {
function handleTakePhoto (dataUri) {
// Do stuff with the photo...
function handleTakePhotoAnimationDone (dataUri) {
// Do stuff with the photo...
function handleCameraError (error) {
console.log('handleCameraError', error);
function handleCameraStart (stream) {
function handleCameraStop () {
return (
onTakePhoto = { (dataUri) => { handleTakePhoto(dataUri); } }
onTakePhotoAnimationDone = { (dataUri) => { handleTakePhotoAnimationDone(dataUri); } }
onCameraError = { (error) => { handleCameraError(error); } }
idealResolution = {{width: 640, height: 480}}
imageType = {IMAGE_TYPES.JPG}
imageCompression = {0.97}
isMaxResolution = {true}
isImageMirror = {false}
isSilentMode = {false}
isDisplayStartCameraError = {true}
isFullscreen = {false}
sizeFactor = {1}
onCameraStart = { (stream) => { handleCameraStart(stream); } }
onCameraStop = { () => { handleCameraStop(); } }
export default App;
Bug report (issues)
Before sending a bug report of camera error, make sure that getUserMedia()
is supported by your browser. Please test your camera on : DetectRTC | Is WebRTC Supported In Your Browser? If the System has Webcam is supported
, please send the screenshot of the first 7 first rows of the table.
- What if i want to improve the code or add functionalities?
- Please take a look into the