1 step to build your public state module with your custom hook.
React Hookie Store
1 step to build your public state module with your custom hook.
step 1
wrap your app with Store.
// index.tsx
import Store from 'react-hookie-store';
ReactDOM.render( <Store> <App /> </Store>, document.getElementById('app'));
step 2
use Store when exporting your custom hook.
// use-userinfo.ts
import Store from 'react-hookie-store';
function UserInfo () {
const [userinfo, update] = useState({ name: 'Alice' });
return {
// use here.
export default Store.use(UserInfo);
Everything is Done!
Just use your custom hook in normal way. Only one state instance will be created when it is used in two different components.
import useUserInfo from './use-userinfo.ts'
// A.tsx
function Userpanel () {
const { userinfo } = useUserInfo();
return (
// B.tsx
function Avatar () {
const { userinfo } = useUserInfo();
return (
other features
- If your component only use its exported function, your component will not be rendered when the state changes.
// A.tsx
// Only use the update method. Because the component doesn't watch the change of userinfo state, it should not be re-rendered when state state changes.
function Userpanel () {
const { update } = useUserInfo();
useEffect(() => update({ name: 'Ben' }))
return (
<div>Hello World</div>
// B.tsx
// Use the userinfo state. Component will re-render when the state changes.
function Avatar () {
const { userinfo } = useUserInfo();
return (
- If your component does not need any state or method of the custom hook, it just want to be re-rendered when the state is changed. Just observe it.
// C.tsx
// Component will re-render when the userinfo state changes.
function SomebodyWillTakeCareOfMe () {
return (