A custom modal, with a custom hook for modal handling in React App
A custom modal, with a custom hook for handling modals in React applications. This package allows us to centralize the logic for rendering modal components. Through a hook, we can dynamically render any coponent in this modal. This gives us flexibility in our components since we would not have to handle local states for modal rendering. For that we use the hook useModal
npm install --save react-hook-modal
The "react-hook-modal" api consists of a hook: useModal, a component containing the modals: Modal, and a HOC ModalDataContextProvider. react-hook-modal, uses the react Context api to exchange states and information to be rendered in the modal through all the components of our application.
1. Declare the HOC ModalDataContextProvider to wrap the entire application
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App/App';
import { ModalDataContextProvider } from 'react-hook-modal';
<App />
2. Put the Modal component in the container component, and add the styles e.g. App.
import { Modal, useModal } from 'react-hook-modal';
import 'react-hook-modal/dist/index.css';
return (
<div className='App'>
<Header />
{/* Modal section here */}
<Modal />
3. Use the custom hook function useModal to access to the functions to interact to the modal:
- setComponentToRender(element: JSX.Element, options?: ModalOptions)
- closeModal(data?: any)
- setOptions(options?: ModalOptions)
- const setFooter(footer: JSX.Element | null)
import { Modal, useModal } from 'react-hook-modal';
const { setComponentToRender, closeModal } = useModal(onCloseModal);
function onCloseModal(data){
console.log("Modal closed",data);
return (
style={{ color: '#fff' }}
onClick={() => {
setComponentToRender(<AccountCustomComponent />, {
title: 'My Account',
animation: true,
closeOnBackgroundOrEsc: false,
Open Modal
The Modal component has props to customize the styles of the container, header and body sections. here an example of setting different styles:
container: {
backgroundColor: '#1C1C1C',
color: '#fff',
width: '55rem',
maxHeight: '100vh',
maxWidth: '100vw'
header: { backgroundColor: '#2C2C2C', color: '#fff' },
body: { maxHeight: '80vh', padding: '0rem' }
The Modal component has a prop called classContainer which defines a custom container Modal class but it is recommended include the following css styles.
.app-modal {
position: fixed;
max-height: 100vh;
max-width: 100vw;
z-index: 999;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
background-color: white;
color: inherit;
width: 50rem;
The setComponentToRender(element: JSX.Element, options?: ModalOptions) function takes a JSX.Element which can be a component or just an 'html' and renders it inside the body of the Modal.
options allow you to dynamically set the attributes and properties of the modal to be represented.
export interface ModalOptions {
title?: string; // A title to display in the header
dataProps?: any; // An object passed to the Modal state to share data: we can access **const {dataToProps} = useModal()
width?: string | number; // Set the width for the modal
height?: string | number; // Set the height for the modal
closeOnBackgroundOrEsc?: boolean | undefined; // Closes the modal if we click outside the modal context or if we press the Esc key.
resizable?: boolean; // Make a resizable Modal
fullScreen?: boolean; // Complete viewport size
animation?: boolean; // Make a nice animation on open the modal
footer?: JSX.Element | null | undefined; // A component for the footer
darkMode?: boolean; // Enable dark mode
MIT © josealejandro2928