Text highlight with deep search through DOM elements.
React Highlight Search is a lightweight and fast ReactJS component (17.7 kB > 6.3 kB gzip), built with Vanilla JS and featuring 0 dependencies, designed for deep text search through the DOM tree.
The easiest way to install react-highlight-search is by using either npm or yarn commands:
npm install react-highlight-search
yarn add react-highlight-search
Basic Usage in React App
In the current version, all search text must be at the same nesting level. Refer to the example below.
import React, { useState, useCallback } from "react";
import { HighlightSearchWrapper } from "react-highlight-search";
const ExampleWithSearch = () => {
const [searchString, setSearchString] = useState(""); // Controlled string to search for
const [matchData, setMatchData] = useState({
wrapperIndex: 0,
matchesFound: 0,
matchParentElement: null,
}); // Search data returned by the component
const handleInputChange = useCallback((e) => {
}, []);
return (
<input onInput={handleInputChange} />
searchString={searchString} // Pass the search string
onMatchData={setMatchData} // Pass the function to update search data on a successful search
<div className={"example-of-nesting-1"}>
<div className={"example-of-nesting-2"}>
<div className={"example-of-nesting-3"}>
// Search text must be at the same nesting level
<li>Search Me!</li>
<li>Search Me Again!</li>
<li>Hello World!</li>
<li>Other text example</li>
// Block shows example of the search result data
<div style={{ width: "350px" }}>
<div>Wrapper Index: {matchData.wrapperIndex}</div>
<div>Matches Found: {matchData.matchesFound}</div>
Match Parent Element:
? matchData.matchParentElement.toString()
: ""}
export default ExampleWithSearch;
| Name | Required | Type | Default | Description | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | searchString | Yes | string | undefined | The text to search for. | searchMinLength | No | number | 1 | The minimum length of text required to start the search. | onMatchData | No | Function | undefined | Callback function triggered on a successful search. | spanClassName | No | string | "highlightsearch-selected-element" | Class name applied to the elements added to the DOM for highlighting text. | index | No | number | 0 | Index value returned in the onMatchData callback. Useful for managing multiple components.
MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Vladyslav Dotsenko 2024.