Display Github permalinks as codeblocks.
React Github Permalink
Display Github permalinks as codeblocks.
Display Github issue links.
I highly rate the vscode-copy-github-permalink
plugin for ease in generating the permalinks from within VSCode.
RSC Compatibility / Three modes of operation
This package is compatible with Next 13+ and the components can be used as RSCs if you wish.
Three variants of each component are exported
- GithubPermalink/GithubIssueLink - Client component - It fetches the data as on the client in a useEffect. ie. Data won't be retrieved until application has loaded in user's browser.
- GithubPermalinkBase/GithubIssueLinkBase - this is the base component - it does no data fetching on its own.
- GithubPermalinkRsc/GithubIssueLinkRsc - This is an RSC.
Basic usage (Client component)
import { GithubPermalink } from 'react-github-permalink';
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css"; // Or provide your own styles
export function MyApp() {
return <GithubPermalink permalink=""/>
Provide your own data
import { GithubPermalinkBase } from 'react-github-permalink';
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css"; // Or provide your own styles
export function MyApp() {
return <GithubPermalinkBase
lines: [
"package main",
"import \"fmt\"",
"func main() {",
" fmt.Println(\"hello world\")",
lineFrom: 1,
lineTo: 5,
commit: "5b15aa07e60af4e317086f391b28cadf9aae8e1b",
path: "sample_files/sample1.go",
owner: "dwjohnston",
repo: "react-github-permalink",
commitUrl: "",
status: "ok"
}} />
You may wish you use this approach if my approach for configuration does not work for you
import { GithubPermalinkRsc } from 'react-github-permalink/dist/rsc';
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css"; // Or provide your own styles
export function MyApp() {
return <GithubPermalinkRsc permalink=""/>
Note that import path is different.
Github Issuelink
import { GithubPermalink } from 'react-github-permalink';
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css"; // Or provide your own styles
export function MyApp() {
return <GithubIssueLink issueLink='' />,
IssueLink also has an inline variant:
export function MyApp() {
return <GithubIssueLink issueLink='' variant="inline"/>,
Rate Limits and Authentication
By default the components make unauthenticated requests against Github's API. The rate limit for such requests is 60/hour and only publicly visible repositories are available.
If you need to avoid rate limits or allow users to view private repos, you can implement your own data fetching function.
The global configuration object has this signature
type BaseConfiguration = {
getDataFn: (permalink: string, githubToken?: string | undefined, onError?: ((err: unknown) => void) | undefined) => Promise<GithubPermalinkDataResponse>;
getIssueFn: (issueLink: string, githubToken?: string | undefined, onError?: ((err: unknown) => void) | undefined) => Promise<GithubIssueLinkDataResponse>;
githubToken: string | undefined;
onError: ((e: unknown) => void) | undefined;
Configure client components via GithubPermalinkProvider
Client components are configured via context provider:
import { GithubPermalink, GithubIssueLink GithubPermalinkProvider, } from 'react-github-permalink';
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css";
export function MyApp() {
return <GithubPermalinkProvider
getDataFn ={(permalink: string) => {
// Your implementation to retrieve permalinks here
getIssueFn={(issueLink: string) => {
// Your implementation to retrieve issue links here
// Don't put a put a github token into the context provider in production! It will visible for all the world to see!
// Instead you will need to expose a data fetching function on the backend to do it for you
githubToken={process.env.NODE_ENV='development' && process.env.MY_GITHUB_TOKEN}
onError={(err) => {
<GithubPermalink permalink=""/>
<GithubIssueLink issueLink='' />
Configure RSC components via githubPermalinkRscConfig singleton
In a Next.js 13+ app using the app router, I recommend configuring the githubPermalinkRscConfig
object in your route level layout.tsx
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css";
import {githubPermalinkRscConfig} from "react-github-permalink/dist/rsc";
githubToken: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN
export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
// your layout component here