React + TypeScript + ThreeJS app using Material UI on NextJS, Apollo Client, GraphQL + WordPress REST APIs, for ThreeD web development.. a part of the code family.
🌱 React Garden TypeScript Material UI App
React + TypeScript + ThreeJS app using Material UI v5 on NextJS v12, Apollo Client v3, GraphQL + WordPress REST APIs, for ThreeD web development.. a "Design Dashboard" for developing Three JS components + apps.
Live Demo
For Developers
- requires pnpm:
npm install -G pnpm
- install:
pnpm i
- run:
pnpm dev
- build:
pnpm build
- deploy:
pnpm deploy
- Noun | as root JS Object | interface INoun | wp_type threed_noun
- ThreeD | as root JS Object | interface IThreeD | wp_type threed_threed
- File | as JS Object | interface IFile | wp_type threed_file
- Project | as JS Object | interface IProject | wp_type threed_project
- Workspace | as JS Object | interface IWorkspace | wp_type threed_workspace
- Plan | as JS Object | interface IPlan | wp_type threed_plan
- Edit | Actions | Relationships | interface IEdit | wp_type threed_edit
- View | as JS Object | Settings | interface IView | wp_type threed_view
- Participant | as JS Object | interface IParticipant | wp_type threed_participant
- Character | as JS Object | interface ICharacter | wp_type threed_character
- Simulation | as JS Object | interface ISimulation | wp_type threed_simulation
- Game | extends Simulation | interface IGame | wp_type threed_game
- Demo | extends Simulation | interface IGame | wp_type threed_demo
- World | as JS Object | interface IWorld | wp_type threed_world
- Scene | extends THREE.Scene | interface IScene | wp_type threed_scene
- Structure | extends THREE.Object3D | interface IStructure | wp_type threed_structure
- Farm | extends THREE.Group | interface IFarm | wp_type threed_farm
- Garden | extends THREE.Group | interface IGarden | wp_type threed_garden
- Allotment | extends Structure | interface IAllotment | wp_type threed_allotment
- Bed | extends Structure | interface IBed | wp_type threed_bed
- Furniture | extends Structure | interface IFurniture | wp_type threed_furniture
- Equipment | extends Structure | interface IEquipment | wp_type threed_equipment
- Plant | extends Structure | interface IPlant | wp_type threed_plant
- Soil | extends Structure | interface ISoil | wp_type threed_soil
- SoilAddendum | extends Soil | interface ISoilAddendum | wp_type threed_soil_addendum
- SoilPlan | Actions | Relationships | interface ISoilPlan | wp_type threed_soil_plan
- PlantingPlan | Actions | Relationships | interface IPlantingPlan | wp_type threed_planting_plan
- BuildingPlan | Actions | Relationships | interface IBuildingPlan | wp_type threed_building_plan
- Bear | extends Character | interface IBear | wp_type threed_bear
- Chicken | extends Character | interface IChicken | wp_type threed_chicken
- Gardener | extends Character | interface IGardener | wp_type threed_gardener
- Tool | as JS Object | extends ThreeD? | interface ITool
- PlaneTool | extends Tool | interface IPlane
- Camera | extends Tool | extends THREE.Camera | interface ICamera
- Renderer | extends Tool | extends THREE.Renderer | interface IRenderer
- Light | extends Tool | extends THREE.Light.DirectionalLight | interface ILight
- Raster | extends Tool | extends THREE.Raster.Rasterizer | interface IRaster
- Shader | extends Tool | extends THREE.Shader.Shaderizer | interface IShader
- Animation | extends Tool | extends OBJ.animation | interface IAnimation
a part of the 🌱 code family