A React component, container and test generation library
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Globally install react-generate
npm install -g react-floki
yarn global add react-floki
Examples of generated files
Generating containers with tests and stories
Generate components with tests and stories
To get a list of commands and usage hints use
react-generate --help
Creating a new React Application
react-generate init movie-rating
Generating tests for all existing components and containers
Creating a test for a container or component: react-generate gt
Creating a test for an existing component: react-generate gtcom
Creating a test for an existing container: react-generate gtcon
Forcefully generating tests for all existing components and containers
Forcefully creating a test for a container or component: react-generate gtf
Forcefully creating a test for an existing component: react-generate gtcomf
Forcefully creating a test for an existing container: react-generate gtconf
Generating components and containers
Creating a container or component: react-generate g
Creating a component: react-generate gcom
Creating a container: react-generate gcon
Forcefully generating components and containers
Forcefully creating a container or component: react-generate gf
Forcefully creating a component: react-generate gcomf
Forcefully creating a container: react-generate gconf
Generating tests for all existing components and containers
Generate test for all components in directory: react-generate --all component <path-to-components>
Generate test for all containers in directory: react-generate --all containers <path-to-containers>
Generating a testUtils file with some utility functions for tests
Generate a test util file: react-generate gtutil
Generating a utility for a loadable file using React 16 lazy and Suspense
Generating a utility for a loadable file : react-generate gloadable
Example Usages
Creating a test by specifying type, path and name: react-generate gt component src/app Button
Creating a test for an existing component by specifying path and name: react-generate gtcom src/app Button
Creating a test for an existing container by specifying path and name: react-generate gtcon src/app HomePage
Creating a component/container by specifying type, path and name: react-generate g component src/app Button
Creating a component by specifying path and name: react-generate gcom src/app Button
Creating a container by specifying path and name: react-generate gcon src/app HomePage
Generate test for all components in directory: react-generate --all component src/app/components
Generate test for all containers in directory: react-generate --all container src/app/containers