react flexible carousel let you can easily control with style, rwd, lifecycle and dynamic path.
React Flexible Carousel
⭐️ Flexible image carousel and respond on any device 💻 🖥 👀
Simple Example
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Carousel } from 'react-flexible-carousel'
class SimpleExample extends Component {
render() {
const urls = [
return (
urls={ urls }
use_thumbs={ true }
listHeight={ 200 }
export default SimpleExample
Example page
> npm install react-flexible-carousel --save
- [x] handle wrapper
- [x] custom wrapper style
- [x] handle list slider
- [x] handle list auto play
- [x] handle custom image
- [x] use image url data
- [x] use custom component
- [x] handle thumbs
- [ ] custom thumbs position
- [ ] top
- [x] bottom
- [ ] left
- [ ] right
- [x] thumbs item custom style
- [x] thumbs per page
- [x] start action ID
- [ ] custom thumbs position
- [x] handle arrow
- [x] handle arrow use
- [x] handle custom arrow component
- [x] handle lazy load
- [x] handle respond design
- [x] with parent element
- [x] handle touch mode
- [ ] handle hook event
- [ ] handle before, after bind event
- [x] handle wrapper mouse over, leave event
- [ ] ~~handle arrow mouse click~~
- [x] handle actionID change
- [ ] handle thumbs item click
- [ ] ~~handle thumbs item change~~
- [ ] handle before, after bind event
- [ ] handle fancy box show ( click list image and show the bigger one )
| Property | Type | Description | Default | Done | | ------------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- | ---- | |urls (required)|array|An array of urls|null|Done| |listWidth|int|carousel image width size|300|Done| |listHeight|int|carousel image height size|400|Done| |auto_play|boolean||false|Done| |auto_play_speed|int|speed setting for auto play|1000|Done| |use_arrow|boolean||false|Done| |use_left_arrow|ReactElement|custom left arrow ReactElement|null|Done| |use_right_arrow|ReactElement|custom right arrow ReactElement|null|Done| |use_thumbs|boolean|||Done| |touch_mode|boolean||control touch mode by yourself|Done| |thumbsPerPage|int||5|Done| |lazy_load|boolean||true|Done| |styleEase|string|use css3 ease style e.g. "ease-in-out", "ease-in" etc..|ease-out|Done| |custom_styles|object|custom styles for carousel component. e.g. "wrapper", "list", "thumbs", "thumbs_item"||Done| |custom_thumbs({ setting, handler })|ReactElement|see example||Done| |custom_lists({ urls, width, height })|ReactElement|see example||Done| |start_actionID|int||0|Done|
| Property | Type | Description | Done | | ------------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- | |beforeWrapperMouseOver(actionID, actionUrl)|function|This callback fires before wrapper mouse over|Done| |afterWrapperMouseOver(actionID, actionUrl)|function|This callback fires after wrapper mouse over|Done| |beforeWrapperMouseLeave(actionID, actionUrl)|function|This callback fires before wrapper mouse leave|Done| |afterWrapperMouseLeave(actionID, actionUrl)|function|This callback fires after wrapper mouse leave|Done| |beforeActionIDChange(preID)|function|This callback fires before actionID changed|Done| |afterActionIDChange(nextID)|function|This callback fires after actionID changed|Done|