Updating the state of a complex component, without using Redux or Flux in React is very complex process. If you want to update a key in the state object, usually you do it like this
Updating the state of a complex component, without using Redux or Flux in React is very complex process. If you want to update a key in the state object, usually you do it like this
fname: "Shridhar",
lname: "Kaushik",
emails: [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
//or for more complex operations like pushing in array or concatenation of other state values, you do it like this
var prevEmails = prevState.emails
return {
name: prevState.fname+" "+prevState.lname,
emails: prevEmails.concat(["[email protected]"])
//to get the values from state
//Above will throw an error if emails key does not exist on state
But using react extended-component
this is a very hassle free process, like below:
//Importing methods
import {updateState, getState} from "react-extended-component"
//For single key simple updation
updateState(this, 'fname', 'Shridhar')
//For multiple key simple updation
updateState(this, {
fname: "Shridhar",
lname: "Kaushik"
//For single nested keys updation
updateState(this, "user.fname", "Shridhar")
After updation state will be
"user": {
"fname": "Shridhar
//For multiple key simple updation
updateState(this, {
"user.fname": "Shridhar",
"user.lname": "Kaushik"
After updation state will be
"user": {
"fname": "Shridhar,
"lname": "Kaushik"
//For custom operation on state object
updateState(this, state=>{
// Assuming user.emails is an array on the original state object
state.user.emails.push("[email protected]")
// Removing value from array using pull from lodash
_.pull(state.user.emails, "[email protected]")
As you can see above, instead of creating a new object to merge with prevState, we're modifying the state object passed into the first parameter, which is a clone of the original state object, thus, it is safe to modify the original variable
//To get a key from state
getState(this, "user.emails[0]")
//Above will return null if any of the parent key is not found and wwill not throw an error
//To get a default value if provided key does not exist on the state
getState(this, "user.emails[0]", '[email protected]')