This package creates a project structure with two folders: a frontend folder containing a React application created using Vite with Tailwind CSS already set up, and a backend folder with a TypeScript project configured for Express. The backend setup inclu
What this package do?
This package creates a project structure with two folders: a frontend folder containing a React application created using Vite with Tailwind CSS already set up, and a backend folder with a TypeScript project configured for Express. The backend setup includes rootDir set to ./src and outDir set to ./dist, along with start, build, and dev scripts defined in the package.json. A basic Express server is provided in index.ts to help you get started quickly.
How to use it?
Run this command in your terminal:
npx react-express-setup projectName
Note: you can provide any name in place of projectName.
This is what it will log:
[01/10] Creating React frontend using Vite with TypeScript...
[02/10] Formatting App.tsx in frontend...
[03/10] Cleaning App.css in frontend...
[04/10] Installing Tailwind CSS and initializing configuration...
[05/10] Configuring Tailwind CSS...
[06/10] Adding Tailwind base, components, and utilities to index.css...
[07/10] Setting up TypeScript in backend...
[08/10] Installing Express and its type definitions...
[09/10] Creating basic Express server in backend...
[10/10] Updating tsconfig.json and package.json in backend...
Setup complete! 🚀
Frontend: projectName/frontend
Backend: projectName/backend