React component for integrating Evergage test experiences with your react code.
Integrate Evergage AB testing experiences into your react code.
What it does
- Listens for events dispatched by evergage experiences (must be added manually, format below)
- Can mount muliple experiences per evergage campaign, experience will be decided by evergage and will be mounted after an event is fired in your evergage experience.
- Will fall back to control group with option for manual override. Will wait for experience to be triggered by evergage before reverting to control group if the campaign is not active.
- Will not mount a component until evergage gives an experience or the (customizeable) timeout expires after the window dom content loaded event to uphold anti-flicker-ness.
- Server Side Rendering friendly (will not mount on server side due to nature of campaigns)
$ npm install --save react-evergage-ab
Set up your campaign in evergage, with as many experiences as you would like test variants.
Then in your application use the EvergageAB component for your campaign, giving it children to render for each experience. The first child is the control and subsequent children should be experiences in order, First experience is second child and so on.
import React from 'react';
import EvergageAB from "react-evergage-ab";
class Header extends Component {
render() {
return (
<EvergageAB campaign="logoTest">
<h1>Test header</h1>
<span>Test header in span</span>
<span><b>Bold header in span</b></span>
Type: string Default: undefined
The name of the campaign you are testing, should correspond to the campaign in evergage but is really just a way to group experiences.
Type: function Returns: Campaign with experienceId (number) and isControl (boolean)
Callback that will be executed when an experience or the control is chosen.
Type: number Default: 100
The amount of miliseconds to wait after dom content loaded to fallback to the control group if no event is received
Type: boolean Default: false
Mount the control with visibility: hidden set on a container so the place it would usually take up is taken up in the DOM, can help to avoid jarring transitions