The Confirmation Dialog Context is a utility for managing and displaying confirmation dialogs within your React application.
The Confirmation Dialog Context is a utility for managing and displaying confirmation dialogs within your React application. It provides a context and hook for creating, opening, and handling user interactions with confirmation dialogs.
State sharing across components: It provides a mechanism to share state across multiple components without prop drilling, which is especially useful in larger applications where state needs to be accessible in deeply nested components.
Efficient re-rendering: Only the components dependent on a certain piece of state are re-rendered when that state changes, improving the efficiency of your React application.
Encapsulation of state logic: The state logic is encapsulated within the context, which makes the components easier to test and reason about.
Type Safety: It ensures type safety with TypeScript, improving the developer experience and reducing runtime errors.
You can add React Snapshot Context Provider to your project using npm:
npm install react-create-dialog-context
How to use
- Create your confirmation dialog
import React, { type FC } from 'react';
type Props = {
message: string,
onConfirm: () => void,
onDismiss: () => void,
const MyConfirmationModal: FC<Props> = ({ message, onConfirm, onDismiss }) => {
return (
<dialog open={isOpen}>
<h2>Confirmation Dialog</h2>
<button onClick={onConfirm}>Confirm</button>
<button onClick={onDismiss}>Cancel</button>
export default ConfirmationDialog;
- Import the necessary components and types:
import { createConfirmationDialogContext, useOpenConfirmationDialog } from './confirmationDialogContext';
- Create a confirmation dialog context by calling the createConfirmationDialogContext function and passing your custom modal component as an argument:
const ConfirmationDialog = createConfirmationDialogContext(MyConfirmationModal);
- Use the confirmation dialog context in your components by calling the useOpenConfirmationDialog hook:
const MyComponent = () => {
const openConfirmationModal = useOpenConfirmationDialog(ConfirmationDialog);
const handleConfirmation = useCallback(() => {
openConfirmationModal({ message: 'Are you sure?' })
.onConfirm(() => {
// User confirmed
.onDismiss(() => {
// User dismissed
}, [openConfirmationModal]);
return (
<button onClick={handleConfirmation}>Open Confirmation Dialog</button>
- Render the confirmation dialog component within your application:
<MyComponent />
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