Add contextmenu to your react component with ease
Add a context menu to your react application with ease !
- Demo
- Installation
- Features
- How it works ?
- Add a context menu to a table
- Api
- Migration from v1 to v2
- Release Notes
Live demo here
$ yarn add react-contexify
$ npm install --save react-contexify
You also need to include the css file provided. Otherwise it wont work as expected.
Style Loader :
import 'react-contexify/dist/ReactContexify.min.css'
1998 Script tag :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/ReactContexify.min.css"/>
- The context menu never leave the visible screen. You can reduce the window to check the behavior
- The callback provide an access to the wrapped component
- One menu can be use for multiple targets
- Create as many contextual menu as you want, as long as the id is unique
- Easily customizable. Theme are split into different sass file. Fifteen line of code can be enough to create a theme
- Don't rely on
How it works ?
Create your menu
import { ContextMenu, Item, Separator, IconFont } from 'react-contexify';
function onClick(targetNode, ref, data) {
// targetNode refer to the html node on which the menu is triggered
//ref will be the mounted instance of the wrapped component
//If you wrap more than one component, ref will be an array of ref
// Additionnal data props passed down to the `Item`
// create your menu first
const MyAwesomeMenu = () => (
<ContextMenu id='menu_id'>
<Item leftIcon={<IconFont className="fa fa-plus" />} onClick={onClick}>
<Item leftIcon={<IconFont className="material-icons">remove_circle</IconFont>} onClick={onClick}>
<Item><IconFont className="fa fa-scissors" />cut</Item>
<Item disabled>
Define which component can display the menu
import { ContextMenuProvider, menuProvider } from 'react-contexify';
//wrap your component with the `ContextMenuProvider`
const Foo = () => <ContextMenuProvider id="menu_id">bar</ContextMenuProvider>;
const Bar = () => <ContextMenuProvider id="menu_id">baz</ContextMenuProvider>;
// or you can use the curried function to add the same menu for many components, it's up to you
const addContextMenu = menuProvider('menu_id');
const Foo = addContextMenu(YourComponent);
const Bar = addContextMenu(YourCompoenent);
All together
import React from 'react';
import MyAwesomeMenu from './MyAwesomeMenu';
import Foo from './Foo';
import Bar from './Bar';
const App = () => (
<Foo />
<Bar />
<App />,
Add a context menu to a table
import { ContextMenuProvider } from 'react-contexify';
//You need to use a tr as a render tag otherwise your browser console will bleed !
const Tr = (props) => (
<ContextMenuProvider id="menu_id" renderTag="tr">
class Table extends Component {
render() {
return (
<th>Cel 1</th>
<th>Cel 2</th>
<Tr cel1="lorem" cel2="ipsum" />
<Tr cel1="foo" cel2="bar" />
ContextMenu (Type : React Component)
|Props |Type |Default|Required|Possible Value | Description|
|id | string|int|- | ✓ | - |Used to identify the corresponding menu|
|children | Item
|- | ✓ | - |Menu item|
|theme | string| | ✘ | light | dark |Theme is appended to react-contexify__theme--${given theme}
|animation| string| | ✘ | fade | flip | pop | zoom|Animation is appended to .react-contexify__will-enter--${given animation}
You can set built-in theme and animation using ContextMenu constant as follow :
<ContextMenu id="foo" theme={ContextMenu.THEME.dark} animation={ContextMenu.ANIMATION.pop}>
Item (Type : React Component)
|Props |Type |Default|Required|Description| |---------|--------|:-----:|:------:|------------| |children |node |- |✓ |Any valid node to render(string, react component...) |leftIcon |node | |✘ |Any valid node to render(string, react component...) |rightIcon |node | |✘ |Any valid node to render(string, react component...) |disabled |bool |false |✘ |Disable the item |onClick |function| |✘ |Callback when the item is clicked |data |any | |✘ |Additional data that will be passed to the callback
When an you select an Item your callback will receive 3 parameters: targetNode
, refs
, data
- if you wrap a single react component refs will be the mounted instance of the wrapped component
- If you wrap more than one component refs will be an array of ref
ref will be an instance of the react component only if the component is declared as a class
If you use any flux store like redux or mobx stick with it.
For more details about ref please read this
Separator (Type : React Component)
Don't expect any props. It's just a separator xD.
<Separator />
IconFont (Type : React Component)
|Props |Type |Default|Required| Description| |---------|-------|:-----:|:------:|------------| |children | node|- |✘ |Menu item| |className | string| | ✘ | Additional className| |style| string| | ✘ | Additional style |
The icon font render a i tag.
//example with Font Awesome
<IconFont className="fa fa-trash" />
//example with material icons
<IconFont className="material-icons">remove_circle</IconFont>
ContextMenuProvider (Type : React Component)
|Props |Type |Default|Required|Possible Value |Description| |---------|--------|:-----:|:------:|------------|----| |id |string or int| -| ✓| -| Id used to map your component to a context menu |renderTag|node| div| ✘| -| The render tag of the wrapper |event| string| onContextMenu| ✘| Same as React Event (onClick, onContextMenu ...)| Event to trigger the context menu |className| string| | ✘| | Additional className |style| object| | ✘| | Additional style
const Foo = () => <ContextMenuProvider id="menu_id"><MyComponent /></ContextMenuProvider>;
menuProvider (Type : function)
|Args |Type |Default|Required|Possible Value |Description| |---------|--------|:-----:|:------:|------------|----| |id |string| -| ✓| -| Id used to map your component to a context menu
- Function returned by menuProvider expect :
|Args |Type |Default|Required|Possible Value |Description| |---------|--------|:-----:|:------:|------------|----| |targetComponent|React Component| -| ✓| -| The component on which you want to add a context menu |renderTag|node| div| ✘| -| The render tag of the wrapper |event| string| onContextMenu| ✘| Same as React Event (onClick, onContextMenu ...)| Event to trigger the context menu |className| string| | ✘| | Additional className |style| object| | ✘| | Additional style
Migration from v1 to v2
Breaking changes are a pain for developers but sometimes we have too.
Item Component: You can render whatever you want now, which gives you more control.
<Item label="foo" />
// now
onClick callback: Having access to the instance of the react component can be sometimes really useful.
onClick(targetNode, data)
// now
onClick(targetNode, refs, data)
Release Notes
- Fix child references. Thanks to @kinke
- Fixed issue 33
- Removed Proxy Container.
- Fixed for real ! issue 27
- Context menu is now rendered outside of the main react root component to avoid the fixed position being broken by the parent style. For more details please see issue 27
- Simplified implementation Pull Request #22
- Typo fix in documentation
- Pass props down to
- Will now hide menu on mousedown.Relate to issue 19
- Added flag noIdents to cssnano to avoid animation name collision with other libs
Bug Fix
- Fixed zoom animation
- Minor code cleanup
Bug Fix
- Firefox trigger a click event also on context menu which was making the menu disappear. Relate to issue 16
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue #14
Bug Fixes
- conditional rendering was badly tested, shame on me !
- This version introduce breaking changes for the item component
- Upgrade to
- Tested with jest and enzyme
- Reviewed build system
- The
callback provide a ref to the wrapped component - Can now use condtionnal rendering for dynamic menu. Relate to issue 12
- Added
Bug Fixes
- Fixed right click behavior. Relate to issue 11
- Added possibility to set the render tag for the wrapper
- Added a ContextMenuProvider component
- Added possibility to set className and style to ContextMenuProvider
- Removed ContextMenuProvider style.Was too unpredictable
Bug Fixes
- fixed incorrect PropTypes used
- dead code elimination
Any idea and suggestions are welcome.
Big thanks to Tobias Reich. This project is based on basicContext. A vanilla js context menu.
React Contexify is licensed under MIT.