contacts & department select
contacts & department select
威发微服务选人组件/Wafer microservice selection component
How to use
yarn add react-contacts
import Contacts from 'react-contacts'
<Contacts {...props}/>
Properties | Description | Type | Default Values ------------- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------| ------------- deptTree | Department of Tree([Department Data](###Department Data)) | array | [] users | User data ([User & Search Result Data](###User & Search Result Data)) | object | { records: []} loading | Loading status | bool | false searchResult | Query user data return results ([User & Search Result Data](###User & Search Result Data)) | object | { records: []} handleSearchUser | Handle search user function | func | function(page,nameKey,depId) deptSearch | Show department search input | bool | tree updateSelectUsers | Update user list when select user | func | function(userSelected) updateSelectDept | Update dept list when select dept | func | function(deptSelected) deptCheckBox | Show department checkbox | bool | true searchDeptPlaceholder | search department placeholder | string | '请输入搜索部门' searchUserPlaceholder | search department placeholder | string | '请输入搜索姓名' defaultUserSelected | default user selected | array | [{userId:'abc',username:'CCC'}] defaultDeptSelected | default user selected ([Note](###Department tree initialization data)) | array | [{id:1,name:'ABC'}] numberColor | total number color | sring | #1B9AFF selectAllText | select all text | string | 全选 totalShowText | totalShowText | string | 共选择了$个 userNameKey | fetch user name and selected key | string | 'username' deptNameKey | Take the department tree and select the name of the key | string | 'name' radio | show radio on user selected | bool | false radioShowText | when user selected on radio, show tip text. | string | '已经选择' checkStrictly | Check treeNode precisely; parent treeNode and children treeNodes are not associated | bool | false showAllDeptTags | Whether Tags show all nodes | bool | false returnReducedNode | Department tree data reduction mode ([Department tree initialization data](###Department tree initialization data)) | bool | false showLeft | show Left Panel | bool | true loadData | Load data asynchronously | function(node) ([Dynamically load the department tree](###Dynamically load the department tree)) | false enNameKey| English name key | string | false disableUsers| The user ID cannot be selected | array | [] disableDept| The department ID cannot be selected | array | []
Department Data
id: 1,
parentId: 0,
children: [
id: 3,
parentId: 1,
children: [
id: 4,
parentId: 3,
children: [
id: 5,
parentId: 4,
children: [],
name: '院校农信',
name: '高新农信',
name: '潍坊农信',
name: '山东农信',
User & Search Result Data
records: [
userId: 1,
username: 'admin',
password: '$2a$10$QOfWxxFyAMmEEmnuw9UI/..1s4B4eF/u9PzE2ZaGO.ij9YfmcUy.u',
salt: null,
wxOpenid: 'o_0FT0uyg_H1vVy2H0JpSwlVGhWQ',
qqOpenid: null,
createTime: '2018-04-20 07:15:18',
updateTime: '2019-03-12 16:04:42',
mail: '[email protected]',
delFlag: '0',
lockFlag: '0',
phone: '17034642888',
avatar: 'lengleng-0d2a7b025da14d8d93f595b3fa082d82.jpg',
deptId: 1,
tenantId: 1,
deptName: '真理部',
roleList: [
roleId: 1,
roleName: '管理员',
roleCode: 'ROLE_ADMIN',
roleDesc: '管理员',
dsType: 2,
dsScope: '2',
createTime: '2017-10-29 15:45:51',
updateTime: '2018-12-26 14:09:11',
delFlag: '0',
total: 11,
size: 10,
current: 1,
searchCount: true,
pages: 1,
###Department tree initialization data
returnReducedNode controls the data format of the department tree, true for simplified mode, false (default) for full data.
###Dynamically load the department tree
loadData={({deptId, children})=>{
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (children) {
setTimeout(() => {
// 通过 deptId 查询下层数据,返回后合并到树的数据源上
}, 1000);
####Lean mode If a node on the tree, its child nodes are all selected, the returned data only contains the parent node but not the child nodes
####Full mode If a node on the tree, its child nodes are all selected, the returned data will contain the parent node and child nodes
####Initialize the department tree If the initial data cannot contain the relationship between parent and child nodes, the department tree will appear out of sync when deleting with tag. Solution:
When saving data, please save the complete data, do not delete the content in children.
The use of reduced mode data may affect the background calculation.
Choose one of the above methods.
$ git clone
$ yarn
$ yarn start