React hook that allows you to work consistently with HTML5 video, such as using stable asynchronous functions with additional execution checking, convenience states and accurate data
React hook that allows you to work consistently with HTML5 video, such as using stable asynchronous functions with additional execution checking, convenience states and accurate data
Shortly, HTML5 + js video is outdated shit:
- Uses the play function as asynchronous, leaving all functions synchronous
- Timeupdate event is not called on every frame update, and you need to use requestAnimationFrame
- "x() was interrupted by y()" error
- URL.createObjectURl() deprecated / overload resolution failed, while sometimes srcObject is not supported
- Another nonsense, that you have encountered, if you tried to work (work, not stupidly play a video in 2 lines) with js media, you probably notice how control disappears with each line of code and you understand what I mean, if not, follow another plugin that will draw some shit for your landing page
npm i react-consistently-video --save
import useConsistentlyVideo from "react-consistently-video"
const video = useConsistentlyVideo({
id: 0,
videoUrl: '...',
preload: 'auto',
playsInline: true,
style: {...},
className: '...',
beforeFrameUpdate: async (timestamp, currentTime) => {}, // called in requestAnimationFrame callback
volume: 100,
timeouts: 10, // checking timeouts
// video.renderVideo() - to render video component in your code
// await video.load(axiosInstance) - to load video fully using blob
// await - play video
// await video.pause() - pause video
// await - go to second 2.57
// video.videoRef - video ref
// video.mounted - bool (mounted or not)
// video.waitingEvent - if some event is in progress
// video.currentTime - accurate currentTime (every frame result and can be used normally)
// video.duration - just video duration
// video.loading - is loading or not
// video.loadingPercent - percent loaded
// video.loaded - video fully loaded
// video.loadingError - if video loading error occured
// video.playing - if playing or not (accurate and can be used normally)
// video.hovered - if hovered