<img align="right" src="" alt="logo" width="200px"/>
React Code Space
React Code Space is a stylized code syntax highlighter for your documentation/ lesson building.
Code is the base import. It will recieve the below compound components for formatting your code.
import Code from 'react-code-space';
function App() {
return <Code></Code>;
export default App;
Code props
| Name | Description | Options | Usage |
| -------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| language | sets the language of the code space | javascript, jsx, css, scss, html | <Code language="jsx">
| dark | set the type of code space to dark | default is true | <Code dark>
| light | set the type of code space to light | default is true | <Code light>
| theme | set the syntax theme of the code space | material, monokai, xonokai | <Code theme="monokai">
| icon | adds an icon of the language. default is language. | react, javascript, css, scss, html | <Code icon>
, <Code icon="css"/>
| shadow | adds a shadow to the code space | default is true | <Code shadow>
| neomorph | adds a neomorphism design effect to the code space. | default is true | <Code neomorph>
| rounded | adds a border radius to the code space | default is true | <Code rounded>
Code Header
Header can recieve any child and output it in a small container within the Code Space;
import Code from 'react-code-space';
function App() {
return (
<Code dark theme='material' language='javascript'>
<Code.Header>A lovely Header!</Code.Header>
export default App;
Code Body
Body is the syntax highlighting portion of the code space. This allows multiple code blocks within a code space.
import Code from 'react-code-space';
const codeString = '//Your code here!';
function App() {
return (
<Code dark theme='material' language='javascript'>
<Code.Header>A lovely Header!</Code.Header>
<Code.Body content={codeString} />
export default App;
Body Props
| Name | Description | Options | Usage |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| content | recieves a string of code to display | a string | <Code.Body content={codeString} />
| numbered | adds line numbers to code output | default is true | <Code.Body numbered/>
| start | starting point for line numbers | default is 1. Will recieve any number | <Code.Body numbered start={17}/>
| highlight | accepts string numbers to highlight lines of code | string of line numbers. will accept ranges | <Code.Body highlight={"4"} />
,<Code.Body content={"4,8-11,16"} />
| collapsable | makes the code body an animated dropdown | default is true | <Code.Body collapsable />
| collapsableText | sets the text for the animated dropdown | a string | <Code.Body collapsableText={"Here is the code!"} />
| copy | adds a copy to clipboard functionality | default is true | <Code.Body copy />
| blur | adds a blurred effect to reveal on hover | default is true | <Code.Body blur />
Code Doc
Doc is an embedded slot in the code space to add detailed text inline with the code space.
import Code from 'react-code-space';
const codeString = '//Your code here!';
function App() {
return (
<Code dark theme='material' language='javascript'>
<Code.Header>A lovely Header!</Code.Header>
<Code.Body content={codeString} />
<Code.Doc>Some simple text explaining the code above or below.</Code.Doc>
export default App;
Code Divider
Divider is a simple split to seperate the code blocks with a themed horizontal rule. This can also be styled with three dots with the dots property.
Divider Props
| Name | Description | Options | Usage |
| ---- | ------------------------------- | --------------- | ---------------------- |
| dots | changes the style to three dots | default is true | <Code.Divider dots/>