A React component that helps assign and remove focus to components based on click events.
A React wrapper component that helps assign and remove focus to components based on click events.
Often, it is necessary to apply styling rules to a page based on where the user has clicked. React-click-handler can be used to wrap any component and track the ‘focus’ of any of its child components, by setting a corresponding variable on its state at the exclusion of other tracked components.
For example:
const pageClickSelectors = [
selector: '#first-component',
focusState: 'firstComponentFocussed',
toggle: true,
sideEffect: false
selector: '#second-component',
focusState: 'secondComponentFocussed',
toggle: false,
sideEffect: false
<div id={'first-component'} className={this.state.firstComponentFocussed && 'open'}></div>
<div id={'second-component'} className={this.state.secondComponentFocussed && 'open'}></div>
Clicking on the first div will set its corresponding focus state variable to true and ensure that the second div's focus state variable is false.
In addition to a classname to apply to the wrapper, and the state and setState methods of your parent component, this wrapper component expects to receive an array of selector objects of the form:
selector: // a STRING representing, in CSS selector syntax, the element we want to attach a focus handler on
focusState: // a STRING indicating the state property that deals with this elements focus
toggle: // a BOOLEAN indicating whether this element toggles focus, or just sets it
sideEffect: // an optional FUNCTION to be called when this element is clicked
When a click event occurs, this component calls the given handlers for the selector that is closest in the DOM tree to the event source. The associated focus property on the parent state (boolean) is either toggled or set to true. All other focus properties on the page are set to false.