React wrapped chat text input based on the excellent Medium editor
React Chat Input
Wrapper around Medium editor encapsulating all its API and customized to work for chat inputs (Resets on enter)
0.0.1: Added auto scroll to bottom when pasting large blocks of text in a limited height editor
0.0.2: Added ability to pre-supply content and update programmatically via content
0.0.3: Made value of input available outside component
0.0.5: Added onFocus and onBlur handlers
0.0.6: Fixed bug when contentUpdated event was lagging by 1 keypress
0.0.7: Added onDirection and choose handlers. Both are triggered when the first character in the input is a #. OnDirection passes a boolean parameter for whether up or down arrow was pressed.
0.0.8: Changed # key handlers to not move cursor position
0.0.9: Added escape as a method for turning off tag parsing
0.1.0: Added outside callback for ESC key
0.1.1: Fixes for various bugs
0.1.3: Ensured input update on passing empty content string
0.1.4: Select all via keyboard was immediately getting unselected. Fixed now
0.1.5: Removed orphan console log