it's a column filter addon for react-bootstrap-table2
separate the filter core code base to react-bootstrap-table2-filter
, so there's a little bit different when you use column filter than react-bootstrap-table
. In the following, we are going to show you how to enable the column filter:
$ npm install react-bootstrap-table2-filter --save
You can get all types of filters via import and these filters are a factory function to create a individual filter instance. Currently, we support following filters:
- TextFilter
- SelectFilter
- MultiSelectFilter
- NumberFilter
- DateFilter
- CustomFilter
- Coming soon!
// es5
// es6
import 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter/dist/react-bootstrap-table2-filter.min.css';
Text Filter
Following is a quick demo for enable the column filter on Product Price column!!
import filterFactory, { textFilter } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
// omit...
const columns = [
..., {
dataField: 'price',
text: 'Product Price',
filter: textFilter()
<BootstrapTable keyField='id' data={ products } columns={ columns } filter={ filterFactory() } />
In addition, we preserve all of the filter features and functionality in legacy react-bootstrap-table
, but in different way to do it:
import filterFactory, { textFilter, Comparator } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
// omit...
const priceFilter = textFilter({
placeholder: 'My Custom PlaceHolder', // custom the input placeholder
className: 'my-custom-text-filter', // custom classname on input
defaultValue: 'test', // default filtering value
comparator: Comparator.EQ, // default is Comparator.LIKE
caseSensitive: true, // default is false, and true will only work when comparator is LIKE
style: { ... }, // your custom styles on input
delay: 1000, // how long will trigger filtering after user typing, default is 500 ms
id: 'id', // assign a unique value for htmlFor attribute, it's useful when you have same dataField across multiple table in one page
// omit...
Select Filter
A quick example:
import filterFactory, { selectFilter } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
// omit...
const selectOptions = {
0: 'good',
1: 'Bad',
2: 'unknown'
const columns = [
..., {
dataField: 'quality',
text: 'Product Quailty',
formatter: cell => selectOptions[cell],
filter: selectFilter({
options: selectOptions
<BootstrapTable keyField='id' data={ products } columns={ columns } filter={ filterFactory() } />
Following is an example for custom select filter:
import filterFactory, { selectFilter, Comparator } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
// omit...
const qualityFilter = selectFilter({
options: selectOptions,
placeholder: 'My Custom PlaceHolder', // custom the input placeholder
className: 'my-custom-text-filter', // custom classname on input
defaultValue: '2', // default filtering value
comparator: Comparator.LIKE, // default is Comparator.EQ
style: { ... }, // your custom styles on input
withoutEmptyOption: true // hide the default select option
id: 'id', // assign a unique value for htmlFor attribute, it's useful when you have same dataField across multiple table in one page
// omit...
Note, the selectOptions can be an array or a function which return an array:
Array as options
const selectOptions = [
{ value: 0, label: 'good' },
{ value: 1, label: 'Bad' },
{ value: 2, label: 'unknown' }
const columns = [
..., {
dataField: 'quality',
text: 'Product Quailty',
formatter: cell => selectOptions.find(opt => opt.value === cell).label,
filter: selectFilter({
options: selectOptions
Function as options
const selectOptions = [
{ value: 0, label: 'good' },
{ value: 1, label: 'Bad' },
{ value: 2, label: 'unknown' }
const columns = [
..., {
dataField: 'quality',
text: 'Product Quailty',
formatter: cell => selectOptions.find(opt => opt.value === cell).label,
filter: selectFilter({
options: () => selectOptions
The benifit is react-bootstrap-table2
will render the select options by the order of array.
MultiSelect Filter
A quick example:
import filterFactory, { multiSelectFilter } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
// omit...
const selectOptions = {
0: 'good',
1: 'Bad',
2: 'unknown'
const columns = [
..., {
dataField: 'quality',
text: 'Product Quailty',
formatter: cell => selectOptions[cell],
filter: multiSelectFilter({
options: selectOptions
<BootstrapTable keyField='id' data={ products } columns={ columns } filter={ filterFactory() } />
Following is an example for custom select filter:
import filterFactory, { multiSelectFilter, Comparator } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
// omit...
const qualityFilter = multiSelectFilter({
options: selectOptions,
placeholder: 'My Custom PlaceHolder', // custom the input placeholder
className: 'my-custom-text-filter', // custom classname on input
defaultValue: '2', // default filtering value
comparator: Comparator.LIKE, // default is Comparator.EQ
style: { ... }, // your custom styles on input
withoutEmptyOption: true // hide the default select option
id: 'id', // assign a unique value for htmlFor attribute, it's useful when you have same dataField across multiple table in one page
// omit...
Number Filter
import filterFactory, { numberFilter } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
const columns = [..., {
dataField: 'price',
text: 'Product Price',
filter: numberFilter()
<BootstrapTable keyField='id' data={ products } columns={ columns } filter={ filterFactory() } />
Numner filter is same as other filter, you can custom the number filter via numberFilter
factory function:
import filterFactory, { selectFilter, Comparator, numberFilter } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
// omit...
const numberFilter = numberFilter({
options: [2100, 2103, 2105], // if options defined, will render number select instead of number input
delay: 600, // how long will trigger filtering after user typing, default is 500 ms
placeholder: 'custom placeholder', // placeholder for number input
withoutEmptyComparatorOption: true, // dont render empty option for comparator
withoutEmptyNumberOption: true, // dont render empty option for numner select if it is defined
comparators: [Comparator.EQ, Comparator.GT, Comparator.LT], // Custom the comparators
style: { display: 'inline-grid' }, // custom the style on number filter
className: 'custom-numberfilter-class', // custom the class on number filter
comparatorStyle: { backgroundColor: 'antiquewhite' }, // custom the style on comparator select
comparatorClassName: 'custom-comparator-class', // custom the class on comparator select
numberStyle: { backgroundColor: 'cadetblue', margin: '0px' }, // custom the style on number input/select
numberClassName: 'custom-number-class', // custom the class on ber input/select
defaultValue: { number: 2103, comparator: Comparator.GT } // default value
id: 'id', // assign a unique value for htmlFor attribute, it's useful when you have same dataField across multiple table in one page
// omit...
Date Filter
import filterFactory, { dateFilter } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
const columns = [..., {
dataField: 'date',
text: 'Product date',
filter: dateFilter()
<BootstrapTable keyField='id' data={ products } columns={ columns } filter={ filterFactory() } />
Notes: date filter accept a Javascript Date object in your raw data and you have to use
to make it as your prefer string result
Date filter is same as other filter, you can custom the date filter via dateFilter
factory function:
import filterFactory, { selectFilter, Comparator } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
// omit...
const dateFilter = dateFilter({
delay: 600, // how long will trigger filtering after user typing, default is 500 ms
placeholder: 'custom placeholder', // placeholder for date input
withoutEmptyComparatorOption: true, // dont render empty option for comparator
comparators: [Comparator.EQ, Comparator.GT, Comparator.LT], // Custom the comparators
style: { display: 'inline-grid' }, // custom the style on date filter
className: 'custom-dateFilter-class', // custom the class on date filter
comparatorStyle: { backgroundColor: 'antiquewhite' }, // custom the style on comparator select
comparatorClassName: 'custom-comparator-class', // custom the class on comparator select
dateStyle: { backgroundColor: 'cadetblue', margin: '0px' }, // custom the style on date input
dateClassName: 'custom-date-class', // custom the class on date input
defaultValue: { date: new Date(2018, 0, 1), comparator: Comparator.GT } // default value
id: 'id', // assign a unique value for htmlFor attribute, it's useful when you have same dataField across multiple table in one page
// omit...
Custom Filter
import filterFactory, { customFilter } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
const columns = [..., {
dataField: 'date',
text: 'Product Name',
filter: customFilter(),
filterRenderer: (onFilter, column) => .....
<BootstrapTable keyField='id' data={ products } columns={ columns } filter={ filterFactory() } />
In custom filter case, you are suppose to finish following two steps:
- Call
and pass tocolumn.filter
- Give
as a callback function and return your custom filter element.
This function will pass two argument to you:
: call it to trigger filter when you need.column
: Just the column object!
In the end, please remember to return your custom filter element!
function just same as textFilter
, selectFilter
etc, it is for customization reason. However, in the custom filter case, there's only one props is valid: type
import filterFactory, { FILTER_TYPES } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-filter';
const customFilter = customFilter({
is a way to ask react-bootstrap-table
to filter you data as number, select, date or normal text.
Following properties is valid in FILTER_TYPES
Default filter is rendered inside the table column header, but you can choose to render them as a row by filterPosition
Render in the top of table body
data={ products }
columns={ columns }
filter={ filterFactory() }
Render in the bottom of table body
data={ products }
columns={ columns }
filter={ filterFactory() }
is a factory function for initializing some internal config. Below is available options for filterFactory
This hook function will be called with two arguments(new filter result and filter object) when filtering completed.
function afterFilter(newResult, newFilters) {
export default () => (
data={ products }
columns={ columns }
filter={ filterFactory({ afterFilter }) }