A React component that records, play video and audio using BetaJS framework's Media Component Module for easy react application deployment. With a lot of useful events and themes.
BetaJS's React component
Project is based BetaJS javascript frameworks, for easy integration on React projects
It's include with a lot of options and events:
- video recorder
- video player
- ... soon will be added audio player/recorder also
- Video Player
- Video Recorder -- Only initial view, you need run local server to see in action
Change Logs
- 0.1.0 - Added video upload and mobile recorder cover shot generator. Video thumbnails generation and view in player feature added. Mobile swipe on progressbar elements added.
- 0.1.3 - Added features: a. Recorder pause/resume; b. Merger streams, for the case like:
screen recorder + camera
record. Both for WebRTC recorder only.
Video Recorder
To be able recorder start work as expected you need also virtual server, perfect for testing is Nano Media Server.
After installation you can run below on terminal, which will start server on https://localhost:5050
Install once Nano Media Server: npm i nano-media-server
on your project folder. Generate local SSL certificates (Useful guide). After you can run the below command by replacing your own certificate path to be able use the media server:
node node_modules/nano-media-server/server.js --staticserve . --port='5050' --sslkey='/path/to/key.pem' --sslcert='/path/to/cert.pem' --ffmpegopt='{ "test_info": { "encoders": ["aac"] } }'
Example code:
import React from 'react'
import {BetaJSVideoRecorder} from 'react-betajs-media-component'
componentDidMount() {
let BetaJS = window.BetaJS;
let filename = "video-" +;
let recorder = this.child.recorderInstance();
let nanoMediaServer = 'https://localhost:5050';
recorder._prepareRecording = function () {
recorder.set("uploadoptions", {
image: {url: nanoMediaServer + "/files/" + filename + ".jpg"},
video: {url: nanoMediaServer + "/files/" + filename + ".webm"},
audio: {url: nanoMediaServer + "/files/" + filename + ".wav"}
recorder.set("playbacksource", nanoMediaServer + "/files/" + filename + ".mp4");
if (recorder.recorder)
recorder.set("playbackposter", nanoMediaServer + "/files/" + filename + ".jpg");
return BetaJS.Promise.value(true);
recorder._verifyRecording = function () {
return BetaJS.Ajax.Support.execute({
method: "POST",
uri: `${nanoMediaServer}/files/${filename}.webm/transcode/${filename}.mp4` + (recorder.recorder && recorder.recorder.localPlaybackSource().audio ? "?audio=" + filename + ".wav" : "")
recorderRecording = () => {
console.log('Recorder onRecording');
recorderUploading = () => {
console.log('Recorder uploading');
Available events
for Recorder
- onPlaying
- onPaused
- onAttached
- onLoaded
- onEnded
- onSeek
- onError
- onManuallySubmitted
- onUploaded
- onUploadSelected
- onRecording
- onUploading
- onRerecord
- onCountdown
- onRecordingProgress
- onUploadProgress
- onAccessForbidden
- onAccessGranted
- onCameraUnresponsive
- onVerified
- onNoCamera
- onNoMicrophone
- onRef
Available Recorder Options
"theme": string
'themecolor': string
'width': oneOfType([number, string])
'height': oneOfType([number, string])
"flashFile": string
"locale": string
"gallerysnapshots": number
"autorecord": bool
"autoplay": bool
"allowrecord": bool
"allowupload": bool
"allowcustomupload": bool
"manual-upload": bool
"camerafacefront": bool
"primaryrecord": bool
"allowscreen": bool
"nofullscreen": bool
"recordingwidth": oneOfType([number, string])
"recordingheight": oneOfType([number, string])
"minuploadingwidth": oneOfType([number, string])
"maxuploadingwidth": oneOfType([number, string])
"minuploadingheight": oneOfType([number, string])
"maxuploadingheight": oneOfType([number, string])
"countdown": number
"snapshotmax": number
"framerate-warning": number
"framerate": number
"audiobitrate": number
"videobitrate": number
"snapshottype": string
"picksnapshots": bool
"playbacksource": string
"screen": object
"playbackposter": string
"recordermode": bool
"skipinitial": bool
"skipinitialonrerecord": bool
"timelimit": number
"timeminlimit": number
"rtmpstreamtype": string
"rtmpmicrophonecodec": string
"microphone-volume": number
"flip-camera": bool
"early-rerecord": bool
"custom-covershots": bool
"manualsubmit": bool
"allowedextensions": bool
"filesizelimit": bool
"faceoutline": bool
"display-timer": bool
/* Configuration */
"webrtcstreaming": bool
"webrtconmobile": bool
"webrtcstreamingifnecessary": bool
/* Options */
"forceflash": bool
"noflash": bool
"onlyaudio": bool
"noaudio": bool
"flashincognitosupport": bool
"enforce-duration": bool
"localplayback": bool
"uploadoptions": object
"playerattrs": object
"shortMessage": bool
"createthumbnails": bool // default true
"rerecordable": bool
"allowcancel": bool
"recordings": number
"orientation": bool
"stretch": bool
"audio-test-mandatory": bool
"allowtexttrackupload": bool
"uploadlocales": arrayOf(object)
/** starting from 1.0.1 */
"allowmultistreams": bool (default: false)
"addstreampositionx": number (default: 5)
"addstreampositiony": number (default: 5)
"addstreampositionwidth": number (default: 120)
"addstreampositionheight": number (default: 95)
"pausable": bool (default: false)
Recorder option Screen Recorder
Screen Capture is currently supported by Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
- Firefox: Direct support -- no extensions or plugins required
- Chrome + Opera: use extension builder located in your application manager
allowrecord={false} // Optional you can even set it to true
allowupload={false} // Optional you can even set it to true
Video Player
import React from 'react'
import {BetaJSVideoPlayer} from 'react-betajs-media-component'
playing = (embedding /* player instance */) => {
console.log('it\'s playing, your action here');
paused = (embedding /* player instance */) => {
console.log('it\'s paused, your action when pause');
Available events listeners
for Player
- onPlaying
- onPaused
- onAttached
- onLoaded
- onEnded
- onError
- onSeek
- onRef
Available Player Options
"theme": string
'themecolor': string
'width': oneOfType([number, string])
"popup-width": oneOfType([number, string])
"popup-height": oneOfType([number, string])
'height': oneOfType([number, string])
"locale": string
/* Attributes */
"poster": string,
"source": string,
"sources": arrayOf(object)
"sourcefilter": object
"streams": arrayOf(object)
"currentstream": object
"playlist": oneOfType([array, object, string]),
"volume": number
"title": string
"initialseek": number
"sharevideo": oneOfType([array, string])
"sharevideourl": string
"visibilityfraction": number
/* Configuration */
"forceflash": bool
"noflash": bool
"reloadonplay": bool
"playonclick": bool
/* Ads */
"adprovider": string // "adsense", "vast"
"preroll": bool
/* Options */
"rerecordable": bool
"submittable": bool
"autoplay": bool
"preload": bool
"loop": bool
"popup": bool
"nofullscreen": bool
"playfullscreenonmobile": bool
"ready": bool
"stretch": bool
"popup-stretch": bool
"hideoninactivity": bool
"hidebarafter": number // 5000
"preventinteraction": bool
"skipinitial": bool
"playwhenvisible": bool
"disablepause": bool
"disableseeking": bool
"airplay": bool
"chromecast": bool
"skipseconds": number // 5
"tracktags": arrayOf(object)
"tracktagsstyled": bool
"showsettings": bool
"playercurrentspeed": number
"tracktaglang": string
"tracksshowselection": bool
"settingsoptions": arrayOf(object),
"allowtexttrackupload": bool, // false,
"uploadtexttracksvisible": bool, // false,
"uploadlocales": arrayOf(object),
// [{
// lang: 'en',
// label: 'English'
// }],
"ttuploadervisible": bool, // false,
Theme Names set with theme
- cube
- elevate
- minimalist
- modern
- space
- theatre
Theme Colors set with themecolor
- red
- blue
- green