Base components for prototyping a serverless React app making use of AWS Cognito, Lambda and DynamoDB
Base components for prototyping a serverless React app making use of AWS Cognito, Lambda and DynamoDB.
Using this library in your project
Add this library as a dependency to your project:
npm install --save react-aws-cognito-lambda-dynamodb-base-prototype-app
Then use the provided hooks in your UI components. A mockup implementation with no UI library is provided in the demo folder.
Run Demo
Clone this project and follow the commented instructions in demo/conf/demoapp-cloudformation.yaml to create the minimum AWS Cognito resources needed for the demo app.
Edit the file demo/src/index.js making the appropriate changes to myEnv
object to use the created AWS resources:
appRegion: '',
appUserPoolId: '',
appUserPoolDomain: '',
appClientId: '',
appIdentityPoolId: ''
Finally run the demo with the following commands:
npm install
npm run start
The demo will be available on localhost:5000.