A simple credit card form styled as a credit card. While I developed this for a project I was working on, [this project]( inspired me to share this version.
Credit/Debit Card Component
A simple credit card form styled as a credit card. While I developed this for a project I was working on, this project inspired me to share this version.
How To Use
Import Card component and pass in an onChange props to listen for form changes.
import Card from 'react-atm-cards';
function App() {
const cardDetails = (card) => {
cardName: "Richard Igbiriki"
cardNumber: "5312 2145 7687 8854"
cardType: "mc"
cvv: "222"
expiryDate: "01/23"
return (
Accepted Props
Below are the accepted props for the Card component.
| Prop | Type | Description | Required | Default Value | | ----------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | --------------------- | | onChange | Function | A callback function to listen for form changes. | True | Not Applicable | | cardStyles | Object | Styles to be applied to the card div. This will override default styles. | False | '' | | numberStyles | Object | Styles to be applied to the card number input element. This will override default styles. | False | '' | | nameStyles | Object | Styles to be applied to the card holder input element. This will override default styles. | False | '' | | validityStyles | Object | Styles to be applied to the expiry date input element. This will override default styles. | False | '' | | cvvStyles | Object | Styles to be applied to the cvv input element. This will override default styles. | False | '' | | numberPlaceholder | String | Placeholder text for card number | False | '0000 0000 0000 0000' | | namePlaceholder | String | Placeholder text for card holder. | False | 'John Doe' |
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
yarn start
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
yarn test
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about running tests for more information.