React component to show or hide elements with animations when they are visible to the screen using [Animated.css](
React component to show or hide elements with animations when they are visible to the screen using Animated.css
npm i react-animated-css-onscroll --save
Note You have to include Animated.css in your html page, this component is just a wrapper for it.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
how to use
very easy to use, just wrap your content with the AnimatedOnScroll component
import {AnimatedOnScroll} from "react-animated-css-onscroll";
<AnimatedOnScroll animationIn="bounceInLeft" animationOut="fadeOut">
hello world ;)
- animationIn animation in name, default "fadeIn"
- animationOut animation out name, default "fadeOut"
- animationInDelay animation in delay, default 0
- animationOutDelay animation out delay, default 0
- animationInDuration animation in duration, default 1000
- animationOutDuration animation out duration, default 1000
- style react style property for the inner component
- innerRef react ref property for the inner component
- className react className property for the inner component
- animateOnMount apply animationIn on mount or not, default true
- screenOffset screen margin where the element considered visible if entered, default 50
List of animation
All the following animation from animated.css are supported.
| Animation Name |
| bounce
| flash
| pulse
| rubberBand
| shake
| headShake
| swing
| tada
| wobble
| jello
| bounceIn
| bounceInDown
| bounceInLeft
| bounceInRight
| bounceInUp
| bounceOut
| bounceOutDown
| bounceOutLeft
| bounceOutRight
| bounceOutUp
| fadeIn
| fadeInDown
| fadeInDownBig
| fadeInLeft
| fadeInLeftBig
| fadeInRight
| fadeInRightBig
| fadeInUp
| fadeInUpBig
| fadeOut
| fadeOutDown
| fadeOutDownBig
| fadeOutLeft
| fadeOutLeftBig
| fadeOutRight
| fadeOutRightBig
| fadeOutUp
| fadeOutUpBig
| flipInX
| flipInY
| flipOutX
| flipOutY
| lightSpeedIn
| lightSpeedOut
| rotateIn
| rotateInDownLeft
| rotateInDownRight
| rotateInUpLeft
| rotateInUpRight
| rotateOut
| rotateOutDownLeft
| rotateOutDownRight
| rotateOutUpLeft
| rotateOutUpRight
| hinge
| jackInTheBox
| rollIn
| rollOut
| zoomIn
| zoomInDown
| zoomInLeft
| zoomInRight
| zoomInUp
| zoomOut
| zoomOutDown
| zoomOutLeft
| zoomOutRight
| zoomOutUp
| slideInDown
| slideInLeft
| slideInRight
| slideInUp
| slideOutDown
| slideOutLeft
| slideOutRight
| slideOutUp