This is a react.js based TypeScript module, offers two types of carousel, normal and queue. Features includes auto-scroll, hover pause, drag/swipe.
React Adaptable Carousel
A simple and easy to use carousel.
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React Adaptable Carousel(RAC) is a react.js based TypeScript module, offers two types of carousel, normal and queue. Features includes auto-scroll, hover pause, drag/swipe, video slide.
npm i react-adaptable-carousel
yarn add react-adaptable-carousel
Usage example
RAC has two modules, CarouselFullWidth & CarouselQueue
This module will have each slide take full with of the container, in other word, one slide per time.
import { CarouselFullWidth } from 'react-adaptable-carousel';
* @param { object } themeColor - Carousel Theme color, including prev/next buttons and scroll bar
* @param { string } themeColor.button - button color, hex color code
* @param { string } themeColor.buttonText - button Text Color, hex color code
* @param { string } themeColor.scrollBar - scrollbar color, hex color code
* @param { object } [buttonText] - buttons text
* @param { boolean } [buttonText.isImageBg = false] - if take image as background, image size should be 40 x 100
* @param { string } [buttonText.prev = '<'] - prev button text / img src
* @param { string } [ = '>'] - next button text / img src
* @param { number } [componentHeight = 'auto'] - height of the Carousel,
* @param { boolean } isDivElement - if the children are div element
* @param { array } [urlArray] - if not div elements, urlArray has to be set
* @param { number } [interval] - interval between slides
* @param { number } [pauseCarousel] - leave it undefined if you want auto move, set to a number to pause on certain index
const App = () => {
const args = {
urlArray: [
url: '',
link: '',
url: '',
link: '',
isVideo: true,
componentHeight: 400,
buttonText: {
isImageBg: false,
prev: '<',
next: '>',
themeColor: {
button: '#961c1c',
buttonText: '#fff',
scrollBar: '#961c1c',
interval: 3000,
pauseCarousel: 7,
return (
<CarouselFullWidth {...args} />
This module will show multiple slides per screen, base on the real size of the slides. This module currently don't take video url.
import { CarouselQueue } from 'react-adaptable-carousel';
* @param { object } themeColor - Carousel Theme color, including prev/next buttons and scroll bar
* @param { string } themeColor.reminder - reminder color
* @param { string } themeColor.reminderTxt - reminder Text Color
* @param { object } [reminder] - both ends reminder
* @param { boolean } [showReminder = true] - whether to show reminder
* @param { string } [reminder.firstTxt = 'First One'] - text on the reminder for first one, default first one
* @param { string } [reminder.lastTxt = 'Last One'] - text on the reminder for last one, default last one
* @param { boolean } [componentHeight = 'auto'] - height of the Carousel,
* @param { object } [buttonText] - buttons text
* @param { boolean } [showButton = true] - whether show buttons
* @param { number } [buttonWidth = 20] - button width
* @param { number } [buttonHeight = 100] - button height
* @param { boolean } [buttonText.isImageBg = false] - whether take image as background, image size should be 40 x 100
* @param { string } [buttonText.prev = '<'] - prev button text / img src
* @param { string } [ = '>'] - next button text / img src
* @param { number } gap - space between children
* @param { number } [roundCorner = 0] - round corner of child element
* @param { boolean } isDivElement - if the children are div element
* @param { array } [urlArray] - if not div elements, urlArray has to be set
* @param { number } [divElementMinWidth] - if div element, need to set divElementMinWidth
const App = () => {
const args = {
urlArray: [
{ url: '', link: '' },
{ url: '', link: '' },
{ url: '', link: '' },
{ url: '', link: '' },
{ url: '', link: '' },
{ url: '', link: '' },
{ url: '', link: '' },
{ url: '', link: '' },
{ url: '', link: '' },
componentHeight: 0, // set 0 means to set image height to auto
isDivElement: false,
gap: 12,
reminder: {
showReminder: false,
buttonText: {
showButton: true,
buttonWidth: 40,
buttonHeight: 80,
isImageBg: true,
prev: '<',
next: '>',
return (
<CarouselFullWidth {...args} />