A library to reduce the need for shouldComponentUpdate boilerplate
A wrapper for react which allows decorating protoTypes to indicate which properties should cause a re-render.
what does it do?
React is an amazing library but if you use it with Redux, every mundane state change causes the entire app to re-render. To combat this most developers implement shouldComponentUpdate functions but these requires lots of boilerplate code. re-react allows you to decorate your propTypes to automatically have a shouldComponentUpdate function injected into your component.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import "re-react";
import { moun } from "enzyme";
class MyComponent extends Component {
static propTypes = {
propA: React.PropTypes.string.affectsRendering
propB: React.PropTypes.string
render () {
return (
A: {this.props.propA}, B: {this.props.propB}
it("only renders when decorated props change", function () {
const wrapper = mount(<MyComponent propA="1" propB="2" />);
expect(wrapper.find("div").text()).toBe("A: 1, B: 2");
//modifying a prop that hasnt been set to cause re-renders will have no effect
wrapper.setProps({ propB: "3" });
expect(wrapper.find("div").text()).toBe("A: 1, B: 2");
//modifying the prop which affectsRendering, will cause re-render
wrapper.setProps({ propA: "3" });
expect(wrapper.find("div").text()).toBe("A: 3, B: 3");