Fast utilities for ray-casting against triangles or boxes or a distance function / implicit surface
Fast utilities for ray-casting against sets of triangles, or a set of axis-aligned bounding boxes, or a distance function (implicit surface).
Triangles are organized using bvh-tree-plus
Boxes are organized using rbush-3d
Distance functions are queried using naive marching spheres.
npm i raycasting-utils
var rcu = require('raycasting-utils');
// aabb = [[x,y,z],[x,y,z]] //axis aligned bounding box = [minimum pt, maximum pt]
// ray = {point:{x,y,z}, vector: {x,y,z}} //raycasting direction
// line = [[x,y,z],[x,y,z]] //raycasting direction using line segment coords instead of ray
// triangle = [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]]
// functions ending with _useLine take a line segment instead of a ray object, but work the same
// rcu.traceDf(ray, df, maxSteps = 256, minDist = 0.05) //returns distance from raycasting distance function df, using marching spheres technique. bail out if dist<minDist
// rcu.traceDf_useLine
// rcu.aabbsTraceFast([aabb]) => returns function(ray) which returns distance
// rcu.aabbsTraceFast_useLine
// rcu.aabbsTraceBVH([aabb]) => similar to aabbsTraceFast, but converts the boxes to triangles and casts using a BVH instead of the RTree. Usually slower.
// rcu.aabbsTraceBVH_useLine
// rcu.aabb2Triangles(aabb) => convert aabb to list of triangles
// rcu.trianglesTraceFast([tri], backfaceCulling=true) => similar to aabbsTraceFast, but for list of triangles
// rcu.trianglesTraceFast_useLine
// rcu.trianglesTraceFast_returnIndex => similar to above, but returns {dist, index: indexOfTriangleThatGetsHit or -1}
// rcu.trianglesTraceFast_returnIndex_useLine
// rcu.trianglesTraceFast_colored => returns [dist, color] where color is pulled from triangle.color
// rcu.trianglesTraceFast_colored_useLine
// rcu.aabbs2RTree([aabb]) => convert list of aabbs to rtree, uses `npm rbush-3d`
// rcu.searchRTreeForAabbs(rtree, aabb) => search rtree generated by above, return list of aabbs found intersecting the queried aabb
// rcu.getBvh() => return most recently created BVH object
// rcu.getRtree() => return most recently created RTree object
// "sector" can be used as alias for aabb [ 没有为什么 ]
// rcu.sector2Triangles
// rcu.sectorsTraceBVH
// rcu.sectorsTraceBVH_useLine
// rcu.sectorsTraceFast
// rcu.sectorsTraceFast_useLine
// rcu.sectors2RTree
// rcu.searchRTreeForSectors