Raxy (ReAct + ProXY)
Simple react state manager. You can work with state as with a regular object. Can be used with redux-devtools-extension and history. Also works with react hooks.
Powered by Proxy API. It is possible to dynamically create wrappers (page-two in the example) for rendering optimization or using react hooks.
~2kb or ~5kb with plyfill for IE
const initalState = {any: 1};
const {state, connect, subscribe} = Raxy<IState>(initalState);
/* IState */ state.any = 5; // update state;
connect<IComponentProps>(Component: ComponentClass, mapper(state: IState):IComponentProps)
subscribe<IProps>(callback(props: IProps), mapper(state: IState):IProps)
Based on JS Proxy API and works with all browsers that support it. Also IE 10+ because has polyfill.
| | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 49+ ✔ | 18+ ✔ | IE 10+ (Edge)18+ ✔ | 36+ ✔ | 10+ ✔ |
- Installation
- API description
- Simple usage
- Additional
- Complex store
- Arrays
- Updates & side-effects
- Dynamic connect
- Actions (optional)
- React hooks
- Subscribes
- Dev-tools & history examples
npm install --save raxy
API description
Create a new store call:
new Raxy<IState>({initialState}, [callback]);
this returns two methods and proxied state
connect the react component to the store:
connect<IComponentProps>(Component, mapper) : WrappedComponent;
component - react component
mapper - map store to component props (return Partial)
connect listener to the store:
subscribe<T>(callback, mapper) : ISubscriber;
callback - function with an argument containing the value returned by the mapper
mapper - map store for callback (return T)
retrun object with off and on methods;
Poxied state
// you can chage this just chage object properties
Simple usage
import Raxy from 'raxy'; // with polyfill
import Raxy from 'raxy/next'; // without polyfill
Create store
// store.js
import Raxy from 'raxy';
// initial app state
const ToDo = {
list: [
{title: 'item 1', finished: false},
{title: 'item 2', finished: false},
{title: 'item 3', finished: false},
// create new store
export const {state, connect} = new Raxy(ToDo);
Usage in react
// component.jsx
import React from 'react';
import { connect, state } from './store';
class Component extends React.Component {
click = () => {
// update store
state.list = state.list.map(i => {
if(i === this.props.item){
i.finished = !i.finished;
return i;
const list = this.props.list;
return (
list && list.map((item, idx) => {
return <div key={idx} onClick={() => this.click(item)}>
{item.title} - {JSON.stringify(item.finished)}
// connect to store
export ConnectedComponent = connect(Component, store => ({list: store.list}));
Or decorator style
import * as React from 'react';
import { componentDecorator } from '../store';
import ListDynamic from './listDynamic';
@componentDecorator(store => ({ list: store.listB, pathName: store.location.pathname, listCount: store.listB.length }))
export default class PageDynamic extends React.PureComponent<any, any> {
render() {
return <div className={`page ${this.props.pathName.split('/')[1]}`}>
<div>List B</div>
<ListDynamic items={this.props.list} l={this.props.listCount} />
Store can be more complicated
const ToDo = {
list: [
{title: 'item 1', finished: false},
{title: 'item 2', finished: false},
{title: 'item 3', finished: false},
const AnotherToDo = {
list: [
{title: 'item 1', finished: false},
{title: 'item 2', finished: false},
{title: 'item 3', finished: false},
const Another = {
ObjectA: {
a: 1,
b: 2
ObjectB: {
a: 1,
b: 2
// create new store
export const {state, connect} = new Raxy({ToDo, AnotherToDo, Another});
Also you can subscribe or update item in arrays
const ToDo = {
list: [
{title: 'item 1', finished: false},
{title: 'item 2', finished: false},
{title: 'item 3', finished: false},
export const {state, subscribe} = new Raxy({ToDo});
subscribe((s) => console.log(s), state => ({ list: state.list }));
subscribe((s) => console.log(s), state => ({ item: state.list[1] }));
state.list[1] = {title: 'item 1', finished: true};
state.list[1].finished = false
Updates & side-effects
// you can update store like
state.Another.ObjectA.a = 3;
state.Another.ObjectA = {
a: 3,
b: 4,
c: 5
state.ToDo.list = [...state.ToDo.list, {title: 'item 4', finished: false}];
// you can connect like
connect(Component, store => ({list: store.ToDo.list}));
connect(Component, store => ({countFinished: store.ToDo.list.filter(i => i.finished).length}));
connect(Component, store => ({b: store.Another.ObjectA.b}));
Dynamic connect (from example)
// example/src/pageDynamic.tsx
import * as React from 'react';
import { connect } from '../store';
import ListDynamic from './listDynamic';
class PageDynamicComponent extends React.Component<any, any> {
render() {
return <div className={`page ${this.props.pathName.split('/')[1]}`}>
<div>List B</div>
<ListDynamic items={this.props.list} />
const PageDynamic = connect<any>(PageDynamicComponent, store => ({ list: store.listB, pathName: store.location.pathname }));
export default PageDynamic;
// example/src/listDynamic.tsx
import * as React from 'react';
import { connect } from '../store';
import ListItem, { IListItemProps } from './listItem';
export default class ListDynamic extends React.Component<any, any> {
click = (idx, item) => {
// you can update props because it is Proxy or you can import 'state' from '../store';
this.props.items[idx] = { label: item.label, finished: !item.finished };
defineListItem = idx => {
// you can create connection dynamicly;
return connect<IListItemProps>(ListItem, s => ({ item: s.listB[idx] }));
render() {
return (
<div className='list'>
{this.props.items.map((item, idx) => {
const Item = this.defineListItem(idx);
return <Item key={idx} onClick={() => this.click(idx, item)} />;
Actions (optional)
You can create actions for combine multiple operations at one.
const store = new Raxy({
a: 1, b: 2,
nested: { c: 3, nested: { d: 4 } },
nestedAgain: { e: 5 } });
store.subscribe((s) => expect(s).to.equal(3), state => ({ d:state.nested.nested.d }));
const action = (c, e) => {
const state = Object.assign({}, store.state);
state.nested.c = c;
state.nestedAgain.e = e;
Object.assign(store.state, state);
action(4, 5);
React hooks
You can work with hooks (from example)
import { subscribe, state } from '../store';
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
// create custom hook
function useRaxy(mapper) {
const [data, setState] = useState(mapper(state));
useEffect(() => {
let subscriber = subscribe(s => setState(s), mapper);
return () => { // dont forget unsubscribe when dismount
subscriber = null;
return data;
export function Hook() {
const data = useRaxy(s => ({ val: 'nested is: ' + s.nested.itemOne }));
return <div className='counter'>
<div>{data.val} (Functional component with hook)</div>
const {state, connect, /*!!*/ subscribe /*!!*/} = new Raxy({ToDo, AnotherToDo, Another});
subscribe((state) => console.log(state), s => ({...s})); // example
// or
// const subscriber = subscribe((state) => console.log(state), s => ({...s}));
// subscriber.off() - stop listen;
// subscriber.on() - start again;
Dev-tools & history examples
const history = createHashHistory({ basename: '/' });
const {state, subscribe} = new Raxy({
list: [
{ label: 'item 1', status: false },
{ label: 'item 2', status: false },
{ label: 'item 3', status: true },
/*!!*/ location: history.location, /*!!*/
nested: { b: 2 }
state.subscribe(location => console.log(location), state => ({ location: state.location }));
history.listen(location => state.location = location);
const devTools = (window as any).__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ && (window as any).__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__.connect();
const callback = store => devTools && devTools.send('change state', { value: { ...store } });
export const { state, connect, subscribe } = new Raxy(initialState, callback);
devTools && devTools.init({ value: state });