WebXR mixed reality utilities library
Reality Accelerator Toolkit
The Reality Accelerator Toolkit is a comprehensive WebXR utilities library that simplifies the integration of mixed reality features in WebXR applications. Compatible with the three.js 3D library, it bridges the gap between the low-level WebXR APIs and the higher-level APIs offered by three.js. Designed for extensibility, it enables the management of detected planes, meshes, anchors, and real-world hit test targets, translating them seamlessly to Object3D instances in the three.js scene.
- 🚀 Seamless integration with three.js for enhanced 3D application development.
- 🌐 Automatic detection and update of planes, meshes and anchors in the scene.
- 🎯 Translation of real-world hit test targets to Object3D instances in three.js.
Getting Started
- Peer dependency: three.js (latest version recommended): three.js Documentation
To install the package via NPM, run:
$ npm install ratk
Each section below details how to use different features of the toolkit.
RATK Setup
- Setting Up AR Button: Request a WebXR session with specified features.
import { ARButton } from 'ratk';
const renderer = /* Three.js WebGLRenderer */;
const arButton = document.getElementById('ar-button');
ARButton.convertToARButton(arButton, renderer, {
sessionInit: {
requiredFeatures: ['hit-test', 'plane-detection', 'mesh-detection', 'anchors'],
optionalFeatures: [],
- Initializing RATK: Integrate RATK's root object with your scene. Update it in the render loop.
// Import the library
import { RealityAccelerator } from 'ratk';
const ratk = new RealityAccelerator(renderer.xr);
const scene = /* Three.js Scene object */;
function render() {
Creating Anchors: Define position and orientation, then attach objects.
const ratk = /* RealityAccelerator instance */; const anchorPosition = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); const anchorQuaternion = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); ratk.createAnchor(anchorPosition, anchorQuaternion, isPersistent) .then((anchor /* RATK Anchor object extends Object3D */) => { // Attach a new THREE.Mesh to the anchor anchor.add(new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)); });
Recovering Anchors: Access persistent anchors from previous sessions.
ratk.restorePersistentAnchors().then(() => { ratk.anchors.forEach((anchor) => { // Process each recovered anchor anchor.add(new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)); }); });
Processing Planes: Define a hook to handle new planes.
ratk.onPlaneAdded = (plane /* extends Object3D */) => { if (plane.semanticLabel === 'wall art') { const mesh = plane.planeMesh; // Three.js Plane Mesh mesh.material = new MeshBasicMaterial(/_ parameters _/); // Additional plane processing } };
Alternatively, access planes directly from the RATK instance:
ratk.planes.forEach((plane) => { // Process each plane });
Processing Meshes: Define a hook to handle new meshes.
ratk.onMeshAdded = (rmesh /* extends Object3D */) => { const meshMesh = rmesh.meshMesh; /* reconstructed Three.js Mesh */ meshMesh.material = new MeshBasicMaterial(...); meshMesh.geometry.computeBoundingBox(); // put a text label on top of the mesh const semanticLabel = new Text(); meshMesh.add(semanticLabel); semanticLabel.text = mesh.semanticLabel; semanticLabel.sync(); semanticLabel.position.y = meshMesh.geometry.boundingBox.max.y; };
Alternatively, access meshes directly from the RATK instance:
ratk.meshes.forEach((rmesh) => { // Process each mesh });
Hit Testing
Controller Hit-Testing: Create HitTestTarget from controller with offset transform
const ratk = /* RealityAccelerator instance */; const offsetPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); const offsetQuaternion = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); ratk .createHitTestTargetFromControllerSpace( handedness, offsetPosition, offsetQuaternion, ) .then((hitTestTarget /* extends Object3D */) => { hitTestTarget.add( new Mesh(...), ); });
Alternatively, conduct hit-testing from viewer space:
ratk.createHitTestTargetFromViewerSpace( offsetPosition, offsetQuaternion, ).then(...);
- API Reference: RATK API Documentation.
- Example Application: Example WebXR Application (Source Code).
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on how to contribute to the project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.