Small library to get a Raspberry's Serial number without dependencies
Warning: Only works on Raspberry Pi boards! Will raise an exception if not running in a Raspberry Pi
##Summary Raspberry Pis come with a serial number. This package provides a way to get your Raspberry Pi's serial number as a string.
- Has one synchronous and two asynchronous functions
- Fast
- Light weight - Weights 1290 B (uncompressed) or 718 B (gzip-compressed)
- Has no dependencies
- Contains Typescript type definitions
###Async - Promises
function getSerialNumber(): Promise<string>;
Almost the same as the previous one but returns a promise which will resolve into the serial number or reject with an exception.
###Async - Callback
function getSerialNumber(callback: (error: any, data?: string) => void): void;
Receives a callback function. If there is an error, the first parameter of the callback will be it. If not, the serial number will be passed to the second parameter.
function getSerialNumberSync(): string;
Returns Raspberry Pi's serial number string or throws an exception if there is an error.
(Typescript definitions already included)
###On ES5:
var rsn = require('raspi-serial-number');
var getSerialNumber = rsn.getSerialNumber;
var getSerialNumberSync = rsn.getSerialNumberSync;
###On ES6:
import {getSerialNumber, getSerialNumberSync} from 'raspi-serial-number';
const {getSerialNumber, getSerialNumberSync} = require('raspi-serial-number');
###Async - Promises
.then(d=>console.log("Promise result: ",d))
.catch(e=>console.log("Promise error: ",e));
###Async - Callback
getSerialNumber((error,data) => {
console.error("Callback error: ",error);
console.log("Callback result: ",data)
try {
console.log("Sync result: ",getSerialNumberSync());
} catch (e) {
console.error("Sync error: ",e);
##Future work
- Add options to allow specifying whether or not the leftmost zeros should be trimmed or not (current behaviour is trimming the leftmost zeros of the serial number)
- Maybe add some other options. I'm open to suggestions!
Feel free to open an issue on Github if you find a bug or have a suggestion!