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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A node module for interacting with RaspiMJPEG on the Raspberry PI





A node module for interacting with RaspiMJPEG that is created by silvanmelchior.


See this guide on how to get node.js running on Raspberry Pi.


npm install raspbian-mjpeg


Create object

var raspbianMjpeg = require('raspbian-mjpeg');

var mJpeg = new raspbianMjpeg({
    statusFilePath: 'status_mjpeg.txt',
    fifoFilePath: 'FIFO',
    mJpegFilePath: '/run/shm/mjpeg/cam.jpg',
    mediaFolder: 'media/',
    fps: 25

Take image

raspbianMjpeg.takePicture(function(err, pictures) {
    if (err != null) {
        console.log('ERROR: ' + err.message);
    else {
        console.log('picture taken');


Constructor options

  • statusFilePath: path of the status file created by RaspiMJPEG
  • fifoFilePath: path of the FIFO file used by RaspiMJPEG
  • mJpegFilePath: path to the jpeg file that is created by RaspiMJPEG
  • mediaFolder: path to the folder where image and video files are created by RaspiMJPEG
  • fps: the fps of the preview image that is returned.



Returns current status.

Possible status values

  • ready: camera is running
  • video: video is recording
  • timelapse: timelapse is running
  • image: image being taken
  • boxing: mp4box is running on video
  • halted: camera is stopped

setResolution(settings, onComplete)

Set resolution settings for camera.

  • settings: An object containing properties with settings for the camera. Possible options can be found below.
  • onComplete(err): Provides Error as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Settings object example

    videoWidth: 1920,
    videoHeight: 1080,
    videoFps: 25,
    boxingFps: 25,
    imageWidth: 2592,
    imageHeight: 1944

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

setExposureMode(mode, onComplete)

Set cameras exposure mode.

  • mode: A string representation of the mode. (range: [off/auto/night/nightpreview/backlight/spotlight/sports/snow/beach/verylong/fixedfps/antishake/fireworks])
  • onComplete(error): Provides Error object as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

setWhiteBalance(mode, onComplete)

Set white balance mode.

  • mode: A string representation of the mode. (range: [off/auto/sun/cloudy/shade/tungsten/fluorescent/incandescent/flash/horizon])
  • onComplete(error): Provides Error object as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

setMeteringMode(mode, onComplete)

Set metering mode.

  • mode: A string representation of the mode. (range: [average/spot/backlit/matrix])
  • onComplete(error): Provides Error object as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.


Set image effect.

  • mode: A string representation of the mode. (range: [none/negative/solarise/posterize/whiteboard/blackboard/sketch/denoise/emboss/oilpaint/hatch/gpen/pastel/watercolour/film/blur/saturation/colourswap/washedout/posterise/colourpoint/colourbalance/cartoon])
  • onComplete(error): Provides Error object as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

setSharpness(value, onComplete)

Set cameras sharpness setting.

  • value: A numeric value for the new sharpness value (-100...100).
  • onComplete(error): Provides Error object as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

setContrast(value, onComplete)

Set cameras contrast setting.

  • value: A numeric value for the new contrast value (-100...100).
  • onComplete(error): Provides Error object as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

setBrightness(value, onComplete)

Set cameras brightness setting.

  • value: A numeric value for the new brightness value (-100...100).
  • onComplete(error): Provides Error object as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

setSaturation(value, onComplete)

Set cameras saturation setting.

  • value: A numeric value for the new saturation value (-100...100).
  • onComplete(error): Provides Error object as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

setISO(value, onComplete)

Set cameras ISO setting.

  • value: A numeric value for the new iso value. Possible values 0 (auto), 100, 200, 400, 800.
  • onComplete(error): Provides Error object as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.


Sets a callback function to be triggered when a new image is available.

  • callback(data): Provides File data as the first argument.

Returns: method that need to be called to remove the added onPreviewImage callback.

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.


Sets a callback function to be triggered when the RaspiMJPEG status changes.

  • callback(err, newStatus): Provides Error as the first argument if an error happens (null otherwise). Second argument is the new status as a string.

Returns: method that need to be called to remove the added onStatusChange callback.

Possible values are listed under the getStatus() API methods documentation.


Starts the camera and sets a callback to be triggered when the camera is started.

  • callback(err): Provides Error as the first argument if an error happens (null on no error).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'invalidStatus'; Status is anything else then "halted". The status needs to be "halted" to start the camera.
  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.


Stops the camera and sets a callback to be triggered when the camera is stopped. The camera status needs to be "ready" for it to be stopped.

  • callback(err): Provides Error as the first argument if an error happens (null on no error).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'invalidStatus'; Status is anything else then "ready". The status needs to be "ready" to stop the camera.
  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.


Stop the camera independent of the state it is in. If video is being recorded then recording is stopped and camera is stopped. The same goes for time lapse as well.

  • callback(err): Provides error as the first argument if an error happens (null on no error).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.


Take a picture with the camera. The status needs to be "ready" to take image. If the status is anything else an error will be thrown.

  • callback(err, createdFiles): Provides error as the first argument if an error happens (null on no error). Second argument contains an array with the created file name for the created picture. The array will contain one item.

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'invalidStatus'; Status is anything else then "ready". The status needs to be "ready" to take a picture.
  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

startTimelapse(interval, callback)

Starts taking a picture at fixed intervals. The status needs to be "ready" to start time lapse.

  • interval: the interval between the images taken. The valid value is between 0.1 and 3200
  • callback(err): Provides error as the first argument if an error happens (null on no error).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.
  • RangeError; contains the name of the parameter. This is type is returned when the interval is out of the valid range.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'invalidStatus'; Status is anything else then "ready". The status needs to be "ready" to start a time lapse.
  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.


Stops taking pictures at a fixed interval. The status needs to be "timelapse" to stop the running time lapse.

  • callback(err, createdFiles): Provides error as the first argument if an error happens (null on no error). Second argument contains an array of created files.

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'invalidStatus'; Status is anything else then "timelapse". The status needs to be "time lapse" to start a time lapse.
  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.


Starts recording video. The status needs to be "ready" to start recording a video.

  • callback(err): Provides error as the first argument if an error happens (null on no error).

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'invalidStatus'; Status is anything else then "ready". The status needs to be "ready" to start recording a video.
  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.

stopRecording(recordingCompleteCallback [, boxingStartedCallback])

Stops video recording. The status needs to be "video" to stop recording a video.

  • recordingCompleteCallback(err, createdFiles): Provides error as the first argument if an error happens (null on no error). Second argument contains an array with the created file name of the video. The array will contain one item.
  • onBoxingStartedCallback(): The callback is triggered when the recorded h264 file conversion is started.

Possible thrown errors:

  • TypeError; err.propertyName contains the name of the parameter.

Possible returned errors:

  • = 'invalidStatus'; Status is anything else then "video". The status needs to be "video" to stop recording a video.
  • = 'execError'; Error writing command to FIFO file.