Adds prgoress udpate fucntionality to Rapport
Adds mid-request progress updates to the Rapport websocket library.
Node: Install the plugin via NPM: npm install --save rapport-progress
Browser: Attach rapport.progress.min.js
to your HTML page
Then add the plugin to Rapport:
// Globally
Rapport.use(require('rapport-progress')); // In Node.js
Rapport.use(RapportProgress); // In the browser
// Or to a instance
Rapport(wsImplementation).use(require('rapport-progress')); // In Node.js
Rapport(wsImplementation).use(RapportProgress); // In the browser
Standard Usage
This plugin adds mid-request progress updates to the rapport responder object. Simply add a listener when making a request:
const Rapport = Rapport(Websocket);
const ws = Rapport.create('ws:localhost', wsOptions);
// On a client with promises
ws.request('Something that takes a long time', timeout,
(progressUpdate) => {
console.log('Got a progress update:' + progressUpdate);
).then((response) => {
console.log('Got a final response!');
// On a client with callbacks
ws.request('Something that takes a long time', timeout,
(response) => {
console.log('Got a final response!');
(progressUpdate) => {
console.log('Got a progress update:' + progressUpdate);
// On the server
ws.onMessage((message, ws) => {
// Do something that takes a while, send progress updates while doing so
ws.sendProgressUpdate('Progress update!');
// Send the final response
ws.respond('Final response');
Usage with rapport-router and rapport-http
When using this plugin in conjunction with rapport-router or rapport-http, make sure you add the plugin to rapport AFTER adding those:
const rapport = Rapport().use(RapportRouter).use(RapportProgress); // Right
const rapport = Rapport().use(RapportProgress).use(RapportRouter); // Wrong!
Once the plugin has been added, usage is similar to the standard usage, above:
// Server side
const router = rapport.Router();
router.get('/test', (req, res) => {
res.sendProgressUpdate('Progress update!');
res.send('Final response');
rapport.wrap(existingSocket, { router: router });
// Client side with promises
const ws = rapport.websocket(WebSocket).create('ws:localhost');
.onProgressUpdate((progressUpdate) => {
console.log('Got a progress update:' + progressUpdate);
.then((response) => {
console.log('Got a final response!');
// Client side with callbacks
const ws = rapport.websocket(WebSocket).create('ws:localhost', { Promise: false });
.onProgressUpdate((progressUpdate) => {
console.log('Got a progress update:' + progressUpdate);
.send((response) => {
console.log('Got a final response!');