get random values from anything you want
What is this ?
Get random values from anything you want...
//you must have nodejs downloaded
1- make npm account 2- open cmd 3- login to your account in cmd
4- type: mkdir {fileName} && cd {fileName}
5- type the code:
npm i randomjsnew- --save
6- type: "code ." without ""
7- create your index.html 8- create your index.js 9- add
import { getRandom } from randomjsnew-
10- open vscode terminal then write; npm i parcel -g wait couple of secs then parcel index.html
if you got an error (scripts not allowed on your system...)
then open windows powershell and type: set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted then answer by Y then repeat 10
11- enjoy
-getRandom Functions are = [number, element, key, id, pass, randomizeArray];
getRandom.number(min, max);
define a range to get a random number from this range
min, max can have negative value;
defaults: min = 0, max = 1000
1- min < max
getRandom.element([array], minIndex, maxIndex);
get a random element from an array, you can also define a range (related to min, max conditions) in the array to get random elements from the custom range in the array;
defaults: min = 0, max = (array.length - 1);
conditions; 1- The min, max number must be >= 0 2- The min, max number must be <= array.length 3- The min number must be <= max number 4- The max number must be >= min number 5- min, max are only integer
getRandom.key( targetedObject );
returns a random key from the object ( returns a random element from Object.key(tragetedObject) );
getRandom.id( length );
returns a string including xyz- * length x is a small letter y is a number z is a capital letter
- is the symbol between every xyz note: last xyz doesn't add (-) to it;
getRandom.pass( length, strongOrNot );
returns a (-@password-@-) with the desired length
conditions: length => 8;
if strongOrNot === true: adds symbols, and capital letters to the password else if strongOrNot === false: returns a password including only small letter and numbers
getRandom.randomizeArray( arrayToRandomize );
returns a randomizd Set version of the Array //will be fixed later;
That's it!!
enjoy, and I will be so happy and grateful if you send me a feedback and suggestions to my email ([email protected]);