RandomDoor is a JavaScript-based game that brings the simple yet engaging experience of dodging obstacles to players.
RandomDoor Game
RandomDoor is a JavaScript-based game that brings the simple yet engaging experience of dodging obstacles to players. Utilizing basic HTML and CSS for layout and styling, the core of the game is driven by JavaScript, focusing on event handling, dynamic DOM manipulation, and collision detection.
- Dynamic obstacle generation: Obstacles of varying sizes appear at random positions at the top of the game area and fall down the screen.
- Player control: Players can move the player object left and right using the arrow keys to dodge incoming obstacles.
- Collision detection: The game ends when the player collides with any obstacle, encouraging players to achieve a high score by surviving as long as possible.
Getting Started
To play RandomDoor, simply clone the repository to your local machine. Open the index.html
file in a web browser to start the game. Use the left and right arrow keys to move the player and avoid obstacles.
- A modern web browser with JavaScript enabled.
- No external libraries are required.
Contributions to RandomDoor are welcome. If you have an idea for improving the game or have found a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Special thanks to all contributors who have helped in developing RandomDoor, making it more fun and accessible for everyone.