RandomColorGiver help the user to generate random color and convert the HEXA colors to rgb colors.
RandomColorGiver help the user to generate random color and convert the HEXA colors to rgb colors.
const randomcolor = require("randomcolorgiver");
PackageName.FunctionName(Arguments List, if any)
generateRandomRGB({Red: number, Green: number, Blue: number, opacity: float, format: string})
It generates RGB and RGBA. The constraints can also be passed for Red, Green, Blue, opacity, format. The constraints are optional. If a constraint is not provided, the package will randomly generate that constraint. By default, the format is 'rgb'. The format should be either 'rgb' or 'rgba'
| contraints | min | max | |-------------------|-----------|-------| | Red | 0 | 255 | | Green | 0 | 255 | | Blue | 0 | 255 | | opacity | 0 | 1 |
- generateRandomRGB({Red: 5, Green: 10, Blue: 100, opacity: 0.1}) => 'rgb(5, 10, 100, 0.1)'
- generateRandomRGB({Red: 5, Blue: 100, opacity: 0.1}) => 'rgb(5, 89, 100, 0.1)'
- generateRandomRGB() => 'rgb(9, 6, 227, 0.6)'
- generateRandomRGB({Red: 5, Green: 10, Blue: 100, opacity: 0.1, format: 'rgba'}) => 'rgba(5, 10, 100, 0.1)'
generateHEXcolor(number count)
It returns a valid hexa color string. By default, the count is 6. It accepts 3 or 6. Example:
- generateHEXcolor() or generateHEXcolor(6) => #F9323C
- generateHEXcolor(3) => #0CC
convertRGBtoHEX(string rgbValue)
It take rgb string as argument and give its corresponding hexa color as output. Example: 'rgb(0, 33 ,70)' => #002A46 ,'rgb(0, 330 ,70)' => throws error
generateHSL({hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number, opacity: float, format: string})
It generates HSL and HSLA. The constraints can also be passed for hue, saturation, lightness, opacity, format. The constraints are optional. If a constraint is not provided, the package will randomly generate that constraint. By default, the format is 'hsl'. The format should be either 'hsl' or 'hsla'
| contraints | min | max | |-------------------|-----------|-------| | hue | 0 | 360 | | saturation | 0 | 100 | | lightness | 0 | 100 | | opacity | 0 | 1 |
- generateHSL({hue: 5, saturation: 10, lightness: 100, opacity: 0.1}) => 'hsl(5, 10%, 100%, 0.1)'
- generateHSL({hue: 5, lightness: 100, opacity: 0.1}) => 'hsl(5, 16%, 100%, 0.1)'
- generateHSL() => 'hsl(173, 80%, 90%, 0.3)'
- generateHSL({hue: 5, saturation: 10, lightness: 100, opacity: 0.1, format: 'hsla'}) => 'hsla(5, 10%, 100%, 0.1)'