A simple random HEX color generator.
RanCol - A random color generator
This small program is a node module for the generation of random color codes in HEX and RGB format.
HEX colors
var rancol = require('rancol');
console.log( rancol.hex() );
RGB(A) colors
RGB colors have two formats, one is a numeric representation of an 8-bit channel (0-255) and the other one is percentual (0-100). Transparency is provided through the alpha channel (0.0 - 1.0).
rancol.rgb() // "rgb(2, 172, 55);"
rancol.rgba() // "rgba(244, 175, 148, 0.6);"
rancol.rgbp() // "rgb(82%, 3%, 34%);"
rancol.rgbpa() // "rgba(46%, 21%, 57%, 0.0);"
HSL(A) colors
rancol.hsl() // "hsl(18, 38%, 96%);"
rancol.hsla() // "hsla(114, 17%, 90%, 0.7);"
Keyword colors
The CSS specification allows some colours to be named with a keyword, and rancol offers the possibiltiy to use these keywords for random color generation.
Rancol supports the complete list of basic and extednded color keywords that can be found here: http://www.w3.org/wiki/CSS/Properties/color/keywords
rancol.keyword() // "maroon"
Command line usage
Rancol cal also be used from the comamnd line. The various flags are named after the functions, so a valid example of running rancol could be:
$ rancol --rgba
rgba(201, 244, 125, 0.7);