A basic ORM for Riak
A promise-based ORM for Riak in Node.js using the raku package as the underlying Riak client. The current version supports habtm and has-many/belongs-to, and has-one relationships with and without inverses.
Development status
This repo is a hobby project. I am writing an append-only version of this client that will offer ACID properites via an in-memory caching server.
- automatic integer id generation per class, stored and incremented as a CRDT counter
- instance loading (must specify attributes to be loaded)
- dynamic has-and-belongs-to-many ("habtm" a.k.a "many-to-many") loading methods
- dynamic has-many and belongs-to loading methods (belongs-to class methods have at most one association)
- inverse relationships (track which relationship is the inverse of the other).
- saves each attribute separately to avoid accidental saving of large attributes (e.g. a article body).
- delete updates references in related associations.
USAGE (please see tests for more details)
import 'raku-orm'
// The schema is defined by a javascript plain object, and dynamic getters, setters,
// and save/load/delete methods are automatically defined on the instances of
// user-defined classes that inherit from RakuOrm.
class User extends RakuOrm { }
User.schema = {
first_name: 'String',
last_name: 'String',
username: 'String',
email: 'String',
password: 'String',
habtm: [
{ method: 'favorite_posts', // 'favorite_posts_ids' is authomatically created.
model: 'Post' }
has_many: [
{ method: 'approved_articles',
model: 'Post' }
class Post extends RakuOrm { }
Post.schema = {
title: 'String',
body: 'String',
views: 'Integer',
habtm: [
{ model: 'User',
method: 'who_favorited', // 'who_favorited_ids' is automatically created.
inverse_of: 'favorite_posts' }
belongs_to: [
{ model: 'User',
method: 'approver',
inverse_of: 'approved_articles'
let user = new User()
user.first_name = 'David'
user.last_name = 'Beckwith'
user.email '[email protected]'
let approver = new User()
approver.first_name = 'Valerie'
await approver.save()
let post1 = new Post(),
post2 = new Post()
post1.title = 'title1'
post1.body = 'Here is the body.'
post1.approver_id = approver.id
post2.title = 'title2'
post2.body = "Isn't this fun?"
post2.approver_id = approver.id
// Save the posts to get an id for each.
let promise = Promise.all([post1.save(), post2.save()])
.then(([p1, p2]) => {
user.posts_ids = [p1.id, p2.id]
await p1.load_approver('first_name').first_name // Valerie
// Save the user.
return user.save() })
.then(() => {
// Load a user from the database.
let u = new User(user.id)
return u.load('first_name')
.then(u => {
// Load the first 20 titles of this user.
// Attributes must be explicitly named for loading otherwise, only the id will be loaded.
return u.load_favorite_posts('title', 20)
.then(posts => {
// Deleting a post will update the on-disk value of the post_ids.
await posts[0].delete()
// The following is an example that will return an array of users who favorited this post.
return posts[1].load_who_favorited('first_name')
- add a getter/setter for holding loaded associations.
- generalize management of double-indexes
- make optimized batch update functions
2017-04-22: all associations have been implemented and tested (has_many, belongs_to, has_one, habtm) with and without inverses. Meta data is now stored in parent class. 2017-04-04: has_many and belongs_to is implemented. MAJOR CHANGE in API: to load associations, instead of "user.posts()", "user.load_posts()", this is to make room for an upcoming getter/setter which will allow us to store the results of loaded associations. E.g. user.posts == [ User(1), User(2), ...etc. ] 2017-03-28: inverse habtm relationships are now implemented. 2017-02-27: post.load_users() (inverse has-many relationship) is not yet implemented.
MIT, Enjoy.