Leaf class representing sensor or actuator
API implementation of Leaf, used in home automation above Rainfall protocol. A sensor, or a controller or an actuator are implemented using leaf to send data from sensor, actuator listen command from controller and send external command from actuator to controller.
For documentation on how to use the API, refer to this
Creates a UDP driver on port 4567 and uses it to construct a Leaf. Handshake with central controller is automatic.
var Udp = require('rainfall-udp');
var Leaf = require('rainfall-leaf');
Udp.createDriver({rport: 4567}, (err, driver) => {
//driver is the created driver
if (err) {
// treat the error
} else {
// An example of dataType passed, this is a temperature sensor.
dataType: [
id: 1,
type: "real",
range: [-10, 50],
measureStrategy: "periodic",
dataCategory: "temperature",
unit: "ºC"
// As example of command type, this is a lamp with light intensity control.
commandType: [{
id: 2,
type: "real",
range: [0, 1],
commandCategory: "lightintensity",
unit: "cd"
timeout: 5*1000,
limitOfPackets: 3,
path: "/home/user/node_id_dir"
(err, leaf) => {
// use leaf methods to send data, send external command or listen command.
On the callback, use leaf to send a data to central controller. Data is a object with id and value.
leaf.sendData({id: 1, value: 23.2}, function (err) {
if (err) {
// Treat error.
} else {
// Do something else.
Also, use leaf to listen commands from central controller.
leaf.listenCommand(function(msg, from) {
// Do something with message and from.
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
// Treat error.
} else {
// Do something else.