Railflow Cypress JUnit reporter is a custom reporter for use with [Mocha](https://mochajs.org/) and [Cypress](https://www.cypress.io/) testing frameworks. The reporter helps you to integrate your Cypress/Mocha test with TestRail easily by producing enri
Railflow Cypress JUnit reporter is a custom reporter for use with Mocha and Cypress testing frameworks.
The reporter helps you to integrate your Cypress/Mocha test with TestRail easily by producing enriched JUnit-style XML test report files which can be uploaded into TestRail by using powerful Railflow NPM CLI tool.
The reporter is built on the top of mocha-junit-reporter.
$ npm install railflow-cypress-junit-reporter --save-dev
or as a global module
$ npm install -g railflow-cypress-junit-reporter
Run cypress with railflow-cypress-junit-reporter
Specify railflow cypress junit reporter in your configuration file (cypress.json by default) or via the command line.
Configuration file
"reporter": "railflow-cypress-junit-reporter"
Command line
cypress run --reporter railflow-cypress-junit-reporter
Adding TestRail-related data to the report
Railflow elements can be configured in test suite level and test level in cypress tests.
Test suite level
describe('My First Test',
env: {
railflow: {
title: 'Sample Test Suite',
case_type: 'Automated',
case_priority: 'High',
case_fields: ['field1=value1', 'field2=value2'],
result_fields: ['field1=value1', 'field2=value2'],
jira_ids: ['jid1', 'jid2', 'jid3'],
smart_failure_assignment: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']
}, () => {
it('Does not do much!', () => {
Test level
describe('My First Test', () => {
it('Does not do much!',
env: {
railflow: {
title: 'Sample Test Case',
case_type: 'Automated',
case_priority: 'High',
case_fields: ['field1=value1', 'field2=value2'],
result_fields: ['field1=value1', 'field2=value2'],
jira_ids: ['jid1', 'jid2', 'jid3'],
smart_failure_assignment: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
testrail_ids: [1, 2, 3]
}, () => {
Railflow configuration params description
Config Name | Description | ------------| -------------| title| Name of the test suite or test case| case_type| One of the test case types defined in TestRail, e.g.: Automated, Compatibility| case_priority| One of the case priority defined in TestRail, e.g.: Critical, High| case_fields| Custom case fields defined in TestRail. Should input as an array of strings, e.g.: ['field1=value1','field2=value2']| result_fields| Custom result fields defined in TestRail. Should input as an array of strings, e.g.: ['field1=value1','field2=value2']| jira_ids| Jira IDs.These values will be populated as a case field 'refs'. Should input as an array of strings, e.g.: ['jid1','jid2'] testrail_ids| IDs of test cases in TestRail. Should input as an array of integers, e.g.: [1,2,3] smart_failure_assignment| Array of TestRail users to automatically assign failed test cases. Should input as a string array, e.g.: ['[email protected]','[email protected]']
Enable automatic screenshot capturing for failed tests
To add screenshots into report XML file for failed tests automatically, the following steps need to be done:
- Add global hook into index.js file.
- Enable attachments in report configuration
Customize index.js file
To add screenshots for failed tests, add the code fragment below into index.js
file located in "<Cypress_project_root>/cypress/support"
Cypress.on('test:after:run', function (test, runnable) {
if (test.state === "failed") {
const screenshot = `${Cypress.config('screenshotsFolder')}/${Cypress.spec.name}/${runnable.parent.title} -- ${test.title} (failed).png`;
if (!test.attachments) {
test.attachments = [];
If test has any screenshots attached, they will be output into XML report in the following way:
Disable attachments in configurations
By default, adding attachments is enabled in the test report. To disable adding attachments to the report, the attachments
property should set to false
in the configuration file or via command line.
Configuration file
"reporter": "railflow-cypress-junit-reporter",
"reporterOptions": {
"attachments": false
Command line
cypress run --reporter railflow-cypress-junit-reporter \
--reporter-options "attachments=false"
Additional configuration
Disable adding skipped/pending tests in the report
By default, skipped tests are included in the test report. To disable adding skipped tests into the report includePending
property should set to false
Configuration file
"reporter": "railflow-cypress-junit-reporter",
"reporterOptions": {
"includePending": false
Command line
cypress run --reporter railflow-cypress-junit-reporter \
--reporter-options "includePending=false"
- Install 'railflow-cypress-junit-reporter' to the cypress project
$ npm install railflow-cypress-junit-reporter --save-dev
- Configure 'railflow-cypress-junit-reporter' as the reporter and do other configurations as necessary. Configurations can be done in the cypress.json or in the command line. Add this to cypress.json
"reporter": "railflow-cypress-junit-reporter",
"reporterOptions": {
"mochaFile": "cypress/results/my-test-output-[hash].xml"
'mochaFile' is the path to the report file. When there are several test files run it will generate a report file for each test file, so in order to generate unique file names and not overwrite the existing ones, the [hash]
is added to the name of the report file.
- Customize index.js to add screenshots into the report.
Add the code below into index.js
file located in <Cypress_project_root>/cypress/support
Cypress.on('test:after:run', function (test, runnable) {
if (test.state === "failed") {
const screenshot = `${Cypress.config('screenshotsFolder')}/${Cypress.spec.name}/${runnable.parent.title} -- ${test.title} (failed).png`;
if (!test.attachments) {
test.attachments = [];
- Add cypress test with TestRail-related elements
describe('My First Test',
env: {
railflow: {
title: 'Sample Test Suite',
case_type: 'Automated',
case_priority: 'High',
case_fields: ['field1=value1', 'field2=value2'],
result_fields: ['field1=value1', 'field2=value2'],
jira_ids: ['jid1', 'jid2', 'jid3'],
smart_failure_assignment: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']
}, () => {
it('Does not do much!',
env: {
railflow: {
title: 'Sample Test Case',
case_type: 'Automated',
case_priority: 'High',
case_fields: ['field1=value1', 'field2=value2'],
result_fields: ['field1=value1', 'field2=value2'],
jira_ids: ['jid1', 'jid2', 'jid3'],
smart_failure_assignment: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
testrail_ids: [1, 2, 3]
}, () => {
- Run tests and generate report
./node_modules/.bin/cypress run
- View report file
Report file generated at '<Cypress_project_root>/cypress/results'.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites name="Mocha Tests" time="0.3620" tests="1" failures="1">
<testsuite name="Root Suite" timestamp="2021-11-03T11:49:27" tests="0" file="cypress/integration/MySampleCypressTests.spec.js" time="0.0000" failures="0">
<testsuite name="My First Test" timestamp="2021-11-03T11:49:27" tests="1" time="0.3430" failures="0">
<testcase name="My First Test Does not do much!" time="0.2730" classname="Does not do much!">
<system-out>[[ATTACHMENT|/home/my_sample_cypress_project/raiflow-cypress-junit-reporter/cypress/screenshots/MySampleCypressTests.spec.js/My First Test -- Does not do much! (failed).png]]</system-out>
<failure message="expected true to equal false" type="AssertionError"><![CDATA[AssertionError: expected true to equal false
at Context.eval (http://localhost:37195/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/integration/MySampleCypressTests.spec.js:126:21)]]></failure>
<title>Sample Test Case</title>
<user>[email protected]</user>
<user>[email protected]</user>
<field name="field1">value1</field>
<field name="field2">value2</field>
<field name="field1">value1</field>
<field name="field2">value2</field>
<title>Sample Test Suite</title>
<user>[email protected]</user>
<user>[email protected]</user>
<field name="field1">value1</field>
<field name="field2">value2</field>
<field name="field1">value1</field>
<field name="field2">value2</field>
- Install Railflow CLI to the project
npm install railflow
- Run Railflow CLI and upload test results into TestRail
npx railflow -k ABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890 -url https://testrail.your-server.com/ -u testrail-username -p testrail-password -pr "Railflow Demo" -path section1/section2 -f junit -r cypress/results/*.xml -sm path
k - Railflow license key
url - the URL of the TestRail server
u - TestRail user name
p - TestRail user password
pr - name of the project in TestRail
path - path to the subsection in TestRail where test cases will be exported to
f - test report format - junit
r - path to the report XML files
Please see Railflow NPM documentation for the all the details about Railflow CLI options.
- View results in TestRail