RAII implemented based on promise
RAII.js is a RAII(Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) implementation based on ES6 Promise.
RAII.js make sure your resource is initialized&destroyed in order, and it's possible to cancel(destroy) the whole stack at any time.
Just install raii.js via npm in your project:
npm install raii --save
Quick start
First, create a raii instance before any resource initialization:
var Raii = require("raii")
var raii = new Raii();
Then, push any resource instance into raii. Resource instance should be a object
with init()
and/or destroy(error)
method. It can be a object instanted from class, or
a temporary object, or even a module with init()
and/or destroy(error)
You can also use raii.push(init, destroy) where init and destroy are functions. If so, a temporary object will be created for you.
You can return nothing if your init/destroy process finished immediately, or return a Promise object if there's some work to do.
Notice: you should check whether init process is done in destroy function, because init process may be interrupted by some errors.
init: function(){
global.app = new Application();
destroy: function(){
if (global.app){
global.app = null;
// Use function directly.
// Return a promise to wait for something.
return new Promise(function(resolve){
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
raii.push(new ResourceWithInitAndDestroyFunction())
// Raii class self is a valid resource.
// You can create another instance and push it into stack.
raii.push(new Raii());
Use init/destroy method of raii to control your application flow.
All your resources will be inited in order to startup, and destroyed in reverse order after destroyed or any error.
}, e=>{
process.on('SIGINT', ()=>{
Exception Handling & Other details
If any error occured in init process, the process will be break, and destroy
process will be started immediately. After all, the promise returned by init()
will be reject with the error object.
If you call destroy()
before init process finished, a error with message 'RAII_CANCELEDwill be used to reject the promise returned by
init()`. You can catch and ignor this error
and print any other error information to console. The init process of current resource will NOT
be break, raii will wait for it.
If you call init()
or destroy()
multi times, the state will be guarded that
the init process or the destroy process will be only run once.
After destroy process finished, you can call init()
again to start a new init
process. If you call init()
during destroy process, you will receive RAII_CANCALED
Breakable resource
Resource object with isBreakable
property of a true value will be treated as a
breakable resource. raii stack will call destroy
function with a error of message('RAII_CANCALED'),
before the promise returned by init()
is resolved.
The breakable resource should handle this case, and reject the promise returned by init()
with the error argument.
Any instance of Raii
class is a breakable resource.
class Raii
Push a resource object (which may have init()
and/or destroy()
method) into raii stack.
raii.push(init[, destroy])
Push a temporary object with init()
function and optional a destroy()
function into raii stack.
Start a init process, return a promise object to track the state of init process.
Called in initial state: Start init process and return a promise which will be resolved after init process done or reject if any error occured or init process was canceled.
Called in init process: Return the promise of current init process(same with the one returned in previous call)
Called in done state: No effect. Return a resolved promise(new instance)
Called in destroy process: Return a promise which will be rejected after destroy process done.
Stop init process and start destroy process.
Called in intial state: No effect. Return a resolved promise(new instance)
Called in init process: The init process will be interruped. Return a promise that will be resolved after destroy process done or reject if any error occued in current init process.
Called in done state: Start destroy process. Return a promise that will be resolved after destroy process done.
Called in destroy process: Return the promise of current destroy process (same with the one returned in previous call).
True. Means any instance of Raii class is a breakable resource.