requestAnimationFrame based muilti-task runner and handy a setTimeout/setInterval replacement and async support
requestAnimationFrame based muilti-task runner and handy a setTimeout/setInterval replacement
Simple usage
import Runner from 'raf-run';
const runner = new Runner({ heartbeat: 250 }).start();
// Add a task
function action(task) {
console.log(`${task.name} TASK:`, task.history.last);
action, // Required
name: 'AAA', // Optional, defaults to auto generated
times: 5, // Optional, defaults to infinite
timeout: 3000, // Optional, defaults to 0
interval: 1000, // Optional, defaults to 0
// in the console, 3 seconds later...
// AAA TASK: RunHistorySnapshot {delta: 0, stamp: 1614875522153}
// AAA TASK: RunHistorySnapshot {delta: 1017, stamp: 1614875523170}
// AAA TASK: RunHistorySnapshot {delta: 1017, stamp: 1614875524187}
// AAA TASK: RunHistorySnapshot {delta: 1015, stamp: 1614875525202}
// AAA TASK: RunHistorySnapshot {delta: 1001, stamp: 1614875526203}
Runner params in TypeScript format
interface RunnerParams {
heartbeat?: Number;
keepAlive?: Boolean;
historyRun?: {size?: Number};
historyTask?: {size?: Number};
Runner params explanation
import Runner from 'raf-run';
const runner = new Runner({
// This is how often tasks are evaluated.
// A task cannot be executed faster than this global interval
heartbeat: 250, // Optional, defaults to 1000 (ms)
// requestAnimationFrame based means...
// navigating to another tab stops the execution.
// Use "true" if you need your tasks to run in the background
keepAlive: true, // Optional, defaults to false
// Runner history props for stats such as time deltas and stamps
historyRun: { // Optional
size: 35, // Optional, history snapshot buffer size, defaults to 10
// Runner history props for stats such as time deltas and stamps
historyTask: { // Optional
size: 55, // Optional, history snapshot buffer size, defaults to 10
Runner management
Dynamic tick rate
The default interval between each Runner tick is 1000 ms. Here is how to change it
runner.heartbeat = 3000; // The setter only accepts Number
Task management
import Runner from 'raf-run';
const runner = new Runner({ heartbeat: 250 }).start();
// Add a task
function action(task) {
console.log(`${task.name} TASK:`, task.history.last);
action: () => console.warn('Boo hoo'),
name: 'BBB',
times: 15,
// Pause the task
// Resume the task
// Change how often a task runs
// Again, this value cannot be lower than the global "every"
runner.changeTaskInterval('BBB', 3000);
// Change it again
runner.changeTaskInterval('BBB', 300);
// Remove the task manually
Task params in TypeScript format
interface TaskParams {
action: Function;
name?: String;
times?: Number;
timeout?: Number;
interval?: Number;
Managing tasks directly - not recommended
Having references might be a really bad idea. Complete tasks are removed from the list. If you keep reference to a task that has been destroyed (or failed) are caching garbage with
const task_a = runner.items['AAA_'];
// Enable / disable task
// Change task interval.
// Only applies to the ones that have this property in the first place.
// If confused, look at "Adding tasks" again.
task_a.interval = 3000; // Task is now being executed every 3 seconds
task_a.interval = 300; // Task is now being executed every 300 ms