Scroll wrapper with additional features.
Scroll wrapper with additional features.
RAD.JS: Tookit & framework for javascript application development
MobiDev Software Development Company
- Lightweight;
- Cross browser compatible;
- Tested on different devices and platforms;
- High performance, on the par and faster than other libraries;
- Can be used as library with declarative options and as WebComponent;
- Has fast and stable scroll events using JavaScript callbacks for everything;
- Has callback on lot of events like pointer down, scroll, fling, scroll beyond the borders etc.;
- Highly customizable. Scrollbar customizable too.
Install using Bower.
bower install --save radjs-scrollview
Or using npm.
npm install --save radjs-scrollview
If you target browser without Custom Element
support you should include WebComponents polyfill.
bower install --save webcomponentsjs
It is recommended to use libraries like RequireJS
or SystemJS
for module loading to prevent global namespace pollution.
"paths": {
"radjs-scrollview": "vendors/radjs-scrollview/release/radjs-scrollview.min",
// If you want use scroll view as WebComponent include also these files
"x-radjs-scrollview": "vendors/radjs-scrollview/release/x-radjs-scrollview.min",
// Polyfill is no longer needed for:
// Chrome 36+, Opera 29+, Android Browser 4.4.4+, Chrome for Android 42+
"webcomponents": "vendors/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min"
require(["radjs-scrollview"]), function () {});
Use as WebComponent
After including x-radjs-scrollview
file only thing you need to do is add attribute is
to your HTML code.
Options for webcomponent are taken from options
Note: You can freely add is
attribute after document loading.
<div is="x-radjs-scrollview" options="
direction: horizontal; bounds: false; scrollbar: scrollbar-horizontal; smart: #scroll-content
<div class="scroll-content" data-role="content">
<li>Very long list</li>
Attribute options
will be parsed for configuration of element. If want smart scrollbar that will appear only if content is bigger than wrapper, you need to add to inner element data-role="content"
or define query selector in options like this smart: #scroll-content"
Usage as library
Very simple usage, just to scrollable content.
new RADJS_ScrollView(document.getElementById("scroll"), {
direction: "vertical"
A little bit more advanced example.
new RADJS_ScrollView(document.getElementById("scroll"), {
bounds: false,
direction: "vertical",
marginMAX: 0,
marginMIN: 0,
onScroll: null,
onScrollAfter: null,
onScrollBefore: function (shift) { return true; },
onScrollTypeChange: null
preventMove: true,
resizeEvent: true,
scroll: true,
Scrollbar usage:
// Content to be scrolled
var $scrollContent = document.getElementById("content-scroll-vertical");
var $scrollView = $scrollContent.parentNode; // Container for the content
var options = {
bounds: true,
direction: "vertical",
scrollbar: "scrollbar-vertical" // CSS class
$scrollView.scroll_bar = new RADJS_ScrollView.ScrollBar($scrollView, {
className: options.scrollbar,
direction: options.direction,
smart: $scrollContent.querySelector("div.list_of_something")
}); // `scroll_bar` it's just a custom name
// Create and attach ScrollView.
// `scroller` it's just a custom name, but in WebComponent it's predefined.
$scrollView.scroller = new RADJS_ScrollView($scrollView, options);
// Create and attach custom pointer events, because of: IE support, SVG elements etc.
// `tracker` is also custom name but it's also predefined in WebComponent
$scrollView.tracker = new PointerTracker($scrollView, $scrollView.scroller);
See for more advanced usage in examples folder.
Scroll View creating options.
Boolean, default is true. Prevent default on move event, also never works on input, textarea, button, select.
Boolean, default is true. Track Window
resize event.
Boolean, default is true. Scroll HTML element with content inside wrapper, not only tracking such event.
Boolean, default is false. Scroll event called beyound boundaries.
String, default is "vertical". Scroll direction.
Number, default is zero. Minimal margin of HTML element, after refresh in example.
Number, default is zero. Maximum margin of scrollable content inside wrapper.
HTML element or CSS selector for smart scrollbar this appear only if content is bigger than wrapper.
Event functions
onScrollBefore (shift: number)
Function, default is function that returns true. Function that called before scroll event happening. To start scrolling function should return true
onScroll (shift: number, position: number)
Function, default is function that returns true. Function called when scroll happening.
onScrollAfter ()
Function, default is empty function. Function called after scroll ends, no arguments.
onScrollTypeChange (scrollType: string)
Function, default is empty function. Function called when scroll type changes.
Additional event functions
and onDownAfter
- callbacks called before and after pointer down event.
and onMoveAfter
- callbacks called before and after pointer move event.
and onCancelAfter
- callbacks called before and after pointer cancel event.
and onUpAfter
- callbacks called before and after pointer up event.
and onLeaveAfter
- callback called before and after pointer leave event.
and onFlingAfter
- callbacks called before and after fling.
and onResizeAfter
- callbacks called before and after window resize.
Example usage:
options.onFlingBefore = function (event) {
// prevent default action if needed
// returning strictly boolean `false` will prevent handling this event
return false;
Public parameters and methods
var preserve = new RADJS_ScrollView(document.getElementById("scroll"), {direction: "vertical"});
Regular expression with tags that will not respond on pointer events.
options.preventDefaultTags = /^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON|SELECT)$/;
Function to calculate easing time between animations.
$scrollView.easeFunc = function (microtime) {
return microtime * (2 - microtime);
Detach Scroll View
from HTML element.
var $scroll = document.getElementById("scroll");
$scroll.scroller = new RADJS_ScrollView($scroll, {direction: "vertical"});
// ...
Refresh scrollable content inside ScrollView.
var $scroll = document.getElementById("scroll");
$scroll.scroller = new RADJS_ScrollView($scroll, {direction: "vertical"});
// ...
Smooth content scroll to specified position for a specified time. You have to pass negative numbers.
var $scroll = document.getElementById("scroll");
$scroll.scroller = new RADJS_ScrollView($scroll, {direction: "vertical"});
$scroll.scroll(-640, 1000);
This method will jump content to position.
var $scroll = document.getElementById("scroll");
$scroll.scroller = new RADJS_ScrollView($scroll, {direction: "vertical"});
Handle event by ScrollView
var $scrollView = document.getElementById("scroll");
$scrollView.scroller = new RADJS_ScrollView($scroll, {
direction: "vertical",
onDownBefore: function (event) {
if (something_happend) {
// You can catch those event params, modify them and pass to handler method
$scrollView.scroller.handleEvent(event, true);
return false; // prevent default action
Internal plugins
Create custom scroll bar.
var $scrollView = document.getElementById("scroll-wrapper");
var options = {};
$scrollView.scroll_bar = new RADJS_ScrollView.ScrollBar($scrollView, {
className: "bem--scroll_bar",
direction: "vertical"
options.onScroll = function (shift, position) {
if ($scrollView.scroll_bar) { // If scrollbar defined
if (typeof $scrollView.onScroll === "function") {
$scrollView.scroller = new RADJS_ScrollView($scrollView, options);
Additional modules
Pointer tracker and gesture tracker
Provides point and gesture events for DOM elements. Can be replaced by any other library or completely removed if browser supports them.
provides polyfill for pointerup, pointerdown, pointermove, pointerover, pointerenter, pointerout, pointerleave, pointercancel.
provides polyfill for tap, longtap, doubletap, hold, fling.
var $scrollView = document.getElementById("scroll-wrapper");
$scrollView.scroller = new RADJS_ScrollView($scrollView, {});
$scrollView.pointer = new PointerTracker($scrollView);
$scrollView.gesture = new GestureTracker($scrollView);
$scrollView.destroy = function () {