Javascript/Typescript account creation tools for Radix DLT
Radix Account Creation Tools package
This package provides basic functions to create accounts for the Radix network using javascript/typescript. Its aim is to serve as an example of how to do the basics but it is not a fool proof, production grade implementation.
The code was created from examples provided by the Radix team and from my own trial and error.
It is your responsibility to make sure you manage the security of the accounts you will use in your application. This package should only serve as a guide of how accounts can be created.
Contributing to the code
The code was created from examples provided by the Radix team and from my own trial and error. The idea is that this becomes a publicly maintained repository, so if you find any errors or would like to contribute in another way to the code or documentation, you are welcome to submit a pull request.
Using the code in your project
Clone repository
If you want to change the code for your own use, it would be best to clone the repository.
Install as a package
If you just want to use the functionality in your project, you can install the package using Node Package Manager (npm):
npm install --save-dev radix-account-tools-js
Update package to latest version
You can update the package to the latest version using npm:
npm install radix-account-tools-js@latest
Run the demo functions
I created 2 demo functions to illustrate how the code could be used in an application. The demo functions are in the ./src/demo.ts file. If you have installed the package in your project using npm, you can run the demo functions with the following command from your project folder:
npm run demo
function: generate12WordMenomic
Generates a 12 word mnemonic phrase that can be used for account creation
string containing 12 words separated by a comma
function: generate24WordMenomic
Generates a 24 word mnemonic phrase that can be used as a seed for account creation.
string: a string containing 24 words separated by a comma
function generateAccountsFromMnemonic async
Creates several accounts from the provided mnomonic seed phrase and indices.
string: The mnemonic seed phrase as a string of comma separated words number Array: The indices of the private/public key pairs to use for account creation number: The id number of the radix network for which to create the account (stokenet = 0, mainnet = 1)
AccountData Array: an array of objects with the account keys and address
// generates 3 accounts from the given 24 word mnemonic phrase with index 0, 3 and 5
let new_accounts = await generateAccountsFromMnemonic(
"test seed diet dose potato arrive bar oxygen secret ordinary science
shaft cherry laptop timber tower online angle chest indicate mother
ticket match type",
[0, 3, 5],
function generateAccountFromPrivateKeyBytes async
Creates an account from the provided private key bytes.
UInt8 Array: An array of bytes (numbers) that is used to generate a private key number: The id number of the radix network for which to create the account (stokenet = 0, mainnet = 1)
AccountData: an object with the account keys and address
let new_account = await generateAccountFromPrivateKeyBytes(UintArray.from(
59, 221, 206, 186, 244, 250, 32, 61, 48, 35, 211, 187, 215, 144, 255, 221,
195, 4, 159, 158, 149, 222, 251, 113, 141, 82, 164, 202, 44, 150, 174, 79,
function generateKeyPair
Creates a private/public key pair from the provided provided mnemonic seed phrase and index.
string: The mnemonic seed phrase as a string of comma separated words
number: The index of the private/public key pair to use for account creation
number: The id number of the radix network for which to create the account (stokenet = 0, mainnet = 1)
number (optional: default = 525): The number representing the type of entity you want to create (account = 525, identity = 618)
KeyPair: an object with PrivateKey and PublicKey fields
// generates a private/public key pair for an account from the given 24 word mnemonic phrase with index 5
let new_keypair = generateKeyPair(
"test seed diet dose potato arrive bar oxygen secret ordinary science
shaft cherry laptop timber tower online angle chest indicate mother
ticket match type",
function deriveAccountAddressFromPublicKey async
Derives an account address from the provided public key
PublicKey: The pulbic key to derive an account address from
number: The id number of the radix network for which to create the account (stokenet = 0, mainnet = 1)
string: the radix global address of the account
let accountData = await generateAccountFromMnemonic(
"test seed diet dose potato arrive bar oxygen secret ordinary science
shaft cherry laptop timber tower online angle chest indicate mother
ticket match type",
// derives an account address from the provided public key
let account_address = await deriveAccountAddressFromPublicKey(
function generateEd25519PrivateKey async
Generates an Ed25519 private key from the provided bytes array
UInt8 Array: An array of bytes (numbers) that is used to generate a private key
PrivateKey: a private key object
let privateKey = await generateEd25519PrivateKey(UintArray.from(
59, 221, 206, 186, 244, 250, 32, 61, 48, 35, 211, 187, 215, 144, 255, 221,
195, 4, 159, 158, 149, 222, 251, 113, 141, 82, 164, 202, 44, 150, 174, 79,
function generateNewVirtualAccount async
Generates a new account associated with the provided private key
PrivateKey: the private key to use for creating the account
number: The id number of the radix network for which to create the account (stokenet = 0, mainnet = 1)
AccountData: an object with the account keys and address
let newAccount = await generateVirtualAccount(
function mnemonicToSeed
Generates a hex seed from a mnemonic phrase
string: The mnemonic seed phrase as a string of comma separated words
string: a hex string that can be used as the seed for account derivation
let hexSeed = mnemonicToSeed(
"test seed diet dose potato arrive bar oxygen secret ordinary science
shaft cherry laptop timber tower online angle chest indicate mother
ticket match type"
function deriveKeyData
derives private/public key data using the provided derivation path and hex seed
string: the derivation path used to determine the pay pair data string: the hex seed string to use for the derivation
Keys: an object containing data used to derive private/public keys
let derivationPath =
let hexSeed = mnemonicToSeed(
"test seed diet dose potato arrive bar oxygen secret ordinary science
shaft cherry laptop timber tower online angle chest indicate mother
ticket match type"
let keyData = deriveKeyData(