A global module to connect and handle the connection with a rabbit mq
Run-Rabbit is a module to connect and handle all messages to a rabbit mq.
To install this module run:
npm i -save --save-exact run-rabbit
ENV Variables
- AMQP_HOST: Defines the Host of the mq
- AMQP_VHOST: Defines the vhost of the mq
- AMQP_PORT: Defines the Port to connect the mq. Default is 5672
- AMQP_LOGIN: Defines the login-name for the mq
- AMQP_PASS: Defines the Password to connect the mq
- SYSTEM_ID: Defines the name of the System. This value will place in Options of publish
Start the bus-system
const rabbit = require('run-rabbit');
const options = {
exchange: {
options: { type: 'topic', autoDelete: false, durable: true },
name: 'mqexchange'
queue: [
{ name: 'user', options: { durable: true, autoDelete: false }},
{ name: 'customer', options: { durable: true, autoDelete: false }}
const connection = rabbit.start(options);
- name: Defines the name of the exchange to connect
- options: Defines the options on connection. (See submodule amqp.exchange)
queue: Define all queues to connect in an array
- name: The name of the queue
- options: Defines the options on connection. (See submodule amqp.exchange)
Listen on defined queues
const connection = rabbit.start(options);
connection.on('message', (message) => {
message structure
queue: 'The name of the queue where the message arrive',
message: {},
headers: {},
deliveryInfo: {},
messageObject: {}
Check system connection
To check if the system is connected to the mq, you can run:
const connection = rabbit.start(options);
const isAlive = connection.check(); <<= Returns true when exchange is connected
Send a message to the exchange
To use this method, you must start the bus system with rabbit.start()
const connection = rabbit.start(options);
const message = { name: 'Wiesmüller', firstname: 'Martin' };
const routingKey = 'test.test';
connection.send(routingKey, message, options); <<= Returns true when exchange is connected
The options object is inherited by the amqp.exchange