R1Connect Plugin for PhoneGap/Cordova
R1Connect PhoneGap/Cordova Plugin
Platform Support
This plugin supports PhoneGap/Cordova apps running on iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8.
Version Requirements
This plugin is meant to work with PhoneGap 3.x - 4.x. For PhoneGap 5.x+ use branch cordova5
This integration doc assumes you have already set up Google Play Services in your application project for android (min version 7.5), which is needed to use Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), the notification gateway R1 Connect utilizes. Also you will need to have created the app you will be using in R1 Connect.
In order to use R1 Connect with your application you will need a project number (sender ID) and API key from Google. Please visit “GCM Getting Started” here and create a google project and an API key.
If you do not want to use Push on android you can skip Google Play Services setup (but we recommend not skip this setup);
Automatic Installation using PhoneGap/Cordova CLI (iOS, Android and WP8)
Install this plugin using PhoneGap/Cordova cli:
cordova plugin add https://github.com/radiumone/r1-connect-demo-phonegap
Modify the www/config.xml ( res/xml/config.xml for android ) directory to contain (replacing with your configuration settings) : Required (for Emitter only):
If you want to use Push on all platforms:
<preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.clientKey" value="Your client Key" />
If you want to use Push on Android:
<preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.senderId" value="Your GCM sender id" />
If you want to use Push on WP8:
<preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.MPNSServiceName" value="[YOUR SERVICE NAME]" />
<preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.MPNSChannelName" value="[YOUR PUSH CHANNEL]" />
<preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.TileAllowedDomains" value="[TILE DOMAIN 1], [TILE DOMAIN 2]" />
If you have set up Google Play Services add this line
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
If you want to disable sending all advertising ids to the server add this line
<preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.disableAllAdvertisingIds" value="true" />
iOS manual installation (unnecessary if installed automatically)
Copy all files from src/ios with subfolders to your project
Add LibR1Connect.a as a library (Target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries)
Make sure the following frameworks are linked (Target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries):
libsqlite3.dylib UIKit.framework Foundation.framework CoreGraphics.framework AdSupport.framework CoreTelephony.framework CoreLocation.framework SystemConfiguration.framework Security.framework CoreBluetooth.framework
Modify the cordova config.xml file to include the R1ConnectPlugin and preferences:
<feature name="R1ConnectPlugin"> <param name="ios-package" value="R1ConnectPlugin" /> <param name="onload" value="true" /> </feature> <preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.applicationId" value="Your application Id" /> <preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.clientKey" value="Your client Key (For Push only)" />
Copy www/R1Connect.js into the project's www directory
Require the R1Connect module
var R1Connect = require('<Path to R1Connect.js>')
Android manual installation (unnecessary if installed automatically)
Copy src/Android/R1ConnectPlugin.java and src/Android/CordovaPushReceiver.java files to your projects src/com/radiumone/cordova/plugin/ directory
Copy src/Android/*.jar files to your projects libs directory
Copy src/Android/r1connect.properties to your assets directory
Modify the AndroidManifest.xml to include these permissions:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" /> <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /> <!-- Please, replace $PACKAGE_NAME with your apps package name--> <uses-permission android:name="$PACKAGE_NAME.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" /> <!-- Please, replace $PACKAGE_NAME with your apps package name--> <permission android:name="$PACKAGE_NAME.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
Modify the AndroidManifest.xml Application section to include:
<receiver android:name="com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmReceiver" android:exported="true" android:permission="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE" /> <action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTRATION" /> <!-- Please, replace $PACKAGE_NAME with your apps package name--> <category android:name="$PACKAGE_NAME" /> </intent-filter>
<receiver android:exported="false" android:name="com.radiumone.emitter.push.R1PushBroadcastReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.radiumone.r1push.OPENED_INTERNAL" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> <receiver android:exported="false" android:name="com.radiumone.cordova.plugin.CordovaPushReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.radiumone.r1push.OPENED" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> <service android:name="com.radiumone.emitter.push.R1ConnectService" /> <service android:name="com.radiumone.emitter.location.LocationService" />
If you have set up Google Play Services add this line
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
Modify the cordova config.xml file to include the PushNotificationPlugin:
<feature name="R1ConnectPlugin"> <param name="android-package" value="com.radiumone.cordova.plugin.R1ConnectPlugin" /> <param name="onload" value="true" /> </feature> <preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.applicationId" value="Your application Id" /> <preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.clientKey" value="Your client Key (For Push only)" /> <preference name="com.radiumone.r1connect.senderId" value="Your google sender id (For Push only)" />
Copy www/R1Connect.js into the project's www directory
Require the R1Connect module
var R1Connect = require('<Path to R1Connect.js>')
Windows Phone 8 manual installation (unnecessary if installed automatically)
Copy all files from src/wp8 with subfolders to your project
Select PROJECT -> Add Reference...
In opened "Reference Manager" window press "Browse"
Select copied libraries R1ConnectLibrary.dll, Newtonsoft.Json.dll and protobuf-net.dll
Check your application Capabilities. For it
Open [Your project]->Properties->WMAppManifest.xml in Solution Explorer.
Select Capabilities tab
Check ID_CAP_PUSH_NOTIFICATION if you want use R1 Connect Push
Modify the cordova config.xml file to include the R1ConnectPlugin and preferences:
Copy www/R1Connect.js into the project's www directory
Require the R1Connect module
var R1Connect = require('<Path to R1Connect.js>')
R1Connect methods
Callback arguments: (bool isStarted)
Indicates whether the SDK is started. The SDK started automatically if you setted up config.xml.
R1SDK.isStarted(function (isStarted) {
Set optional current user identifier.
R1SDK.setApplicationUserId("Your application user id");
Callback arguments: (string applicationUserId)
Get last setted application user identifier.
R1SDK.getApplicationUserId(function (applicationUserId) {
Enable or disable the Geofencing service in the SDK.
Callback arguments: (bool isGeofencingEnabled)
Indicates whether Geofencing service is enabled.
R1SDK.isGeofencingEnabled(function (isGeofencingEnabled) {
Enable or disable the Engage in the SDK.
Callback arguments: (bool isEngageEnabled)
Indicates whether Engage is enabled.
R1SDK.isEngageEnabled(function (isEngageEnabled) {
Enable or disable the location service for giving location in the SDK.
Callback arguments: (bool isEnabled)
Indicates whether R1LocationService is enabled.
R1LocationService.isEnabled(function (isEnabled) {
When location service is enabled location information will be sent automatically. However, locationService doesn’t fetch the location constantly. For instance, when the location is received the SDK will turn off the location in CLLocationManager and wait 10 minutes (by default) before attempting to retrieve it again. You can change this value.
R1LocationService.setAutoupdateTimeout(1200); // 20 minutes
Callback arguments: (float autoupdateTimeout)
Get currently used autoupdate timeout.
R1LocationService.getAutoupdateTimeout(function (autoupdateTimeout) {
Callback arguments: (string state)
Get current state of R1LocationService.
R1LocationService.getState(function (state) {
Possible state values:
- "Disabled"
- "Off"
- "Searching"
- "Has Location"
- "Wait Next Update"
Callback arguments: (object coordinate)
Get currently used user coordinate.
R1LocationService.getCoordinate(function (coordinate) {
if (coordinate == null)
// Location not received yet
// coordinate.latitude
// coordinate.longitude
If R1LocationService is in "Wait Next Update" state, you can update the location manually.
Notify the location service state has changed
document.addEventListener("R1LocationService.state", function(event) {
// event.state
}, false);
Notify the location service coordinate has changed
document.addEventListener("R1LocationService.coordinate", function(event) {
// event.latitude, event.longitude
}, false);
Callback arguments: (bool isStarted)
Indicates whether the Emitter has started. The Emitter starts automatically if you set the up com.radiumone.r1connect.applicationId key in config.xml.
R1Emitter.isStarted(function (isStarted) {
The application name associated with this emitter. By default, this property is populated with the CFBundleName
string from the application bundle. If you wish to override this property, you must do so before making any tracking calls.
R1Emitter.setAppName("Custom application name");
Callback arguments: (string appName)
Get last setted application name or CFBundleName
by default.
R1Emitter.getAppName(function (appName) {
The application identifier associated with this emitter. If you wish to set this property, you must do so before making any tracking calls. Note: that this is not your app's bundle id, like e.g. com.example.appname.
Callback arguments: (string appId)
Get last setted app id.
R1Emitter.getAppId(function (appId) {
The application version associated with this emitter. By default, this property is populated with the CFBundleShortVersionString
string from the application bundle. If you wish to override this property, you must do so before making any tracking calls.
Callback arguments: (string appVersion)
Get last setted app version or CFBundleShortVersionString
string from the application bundle.
R1Emitter.getAppVersion(function (appVersion) {
Indicates how long, in seconds, the application must transition to the inactive or background state for before the tracker will automatically indicate the start of a new session when the app becomes active again by setting sessionStart to true. For example, if this is set to 30 seconds, and the user receives a phone call that lasts for 45 seconds while using the app, upon returning to the app, the sessionStart parameter will be set to true. If the phone call instead lasted 10 seconds, sessionStart will not be modified.
By default, this is 30 seconds.
R1Emitter.setSessionTimeout(15); // 15 seconds
Callback arguments: (float sessionTimeout)
Get last setted session timeout or default value
R1Emitter.getSessionTimeout(function (sessionTimeout) {
Emitter Events
The R1 Connect SDK will automatically capture some generic events, but in order to get the most meaningful data on how users interact with your app the SDK also offers pre-built user-defined events for popular user actions as well as the ability to create your own custom events.
State Events
Some events are emitted automatically when the state of the application is changed by the OS and, therefore, they do not require any additional code to be written in the app in order to work out of the box:
Launch - emitted when the app starts
First Launch - emitted when the app starts for the first time
First Launch After Update - emitted when the app starts for the first time after a version upgrade
Suspend - emitted when the app is put into the background state
Resume - emitted when the app returns from the background state
Pre-Defined Events
Pre-Defined Events are also helpful in measuring certain metrics within the apps and do not require further developer input to function. These particular events below are used to help measure app open events and track Sessions.
Application Opened - This event is very useful for push notifications and can measure when your app is opened after a message is sent.
Session Start - As the name implies the Session Start event is used to start a new session.
Session End - The Session End event is used to end a session and passes with it a Session Length attribute that calculates the session length in seconds.
User-Defined Events
User-Defined Events are not sent automatically so it is up to you if you want to use them or not. They can provide some great insights on popular user actions if you decide to track them. In order to set this up the application code needs to include the emitter callbacks in order to emit these events.
Note: The last argument in all of the following emitter callbacks, otherInfo, is a dictionary of “key”,”value” pairs or nil
User Info
This event enables you to send user profiles to the backend.
var userInfo = {"userID":"userId", "userName":"userName", "email":"email",
"firstName":"firstName", "lastName":"lastName",
"streetAddress":"streetAddress", "phone":"phone",
"city":"city", "state":"state", "zip":"zip"};
R1Emitter.emitUserInfo(userInfo, {"custom_key":"value"});
Tracks a user login within the app
R1Emitter.emitLogin("userId", "user_name", {"custom_key":"value"});
Records a user registration within the app
R1Emitter.emitRegistration("userId", "userName", "country", "state", "city", {"custom_key":"value"});
Facebook connect
Allows access to Facebook services
R1Emitter.emitFBConnect([{name:"photos", granted:true}], {"custom_key":"value"});
Twitter connect
Allows access to Twitter services
R1Emitter.emitTConnect("12345", "user_name", [{name:"photos", granted:true}], {"custom_key":"value"});
Tracks an application version upgrade
Trial Upgrade
Tracks an application upgrade from a trial version to a full version
Screen View
Basically, a page view, it provides info about that screen
R1Emitter.emitScreenView("title", "description", "http://www.example.com/path", "example.com", "path", {"custom_key":"value"});
E-Commerce Events
R1Emitter.emitTransaction("transaction_id", "store_id", "store_name", "cart_id", "order_id", 1.5, "USD", 10.5, 12.0, {"custom_key":"value"});
var lineItem = {productID:"product_id", productName:"product_name", quantity:5, unitOfMeasure:"unit", msrPrice:10, pricePaid:10, currency:"USD", itemCategory:"category"};
R1Emitter.emitTransactionItem("transaction_id", lineItem, {"custom_key":"value"});
Create Cart
R1Emitter.emitCartCreate("cart_id", {"custom_key":"value"});
Delete Cart
R1Emitter.emitCartDelete("cart_id", {"custom_key":"value"});
Add To Cart
var lineItem = {productID:"product_id", productName:"product_name", quantity:5, unitOfMeasure:"unit", msrPrice:10, pricePaid:10, currency:"USD", itemCategory:"category"};
R1Emitter.emitAddToCart("cart_id", lineItem, {"custom_key":"value"});
Delete From Cart
var lineItem = {productID:"product_id", productName:"product_name", quantity:5, unitOfMeasure:"unit", msrPrice:10, pricePaid:10, currency:"USD", itemCategory:"category"};
R1Emitter.emitDeleteFromCart("cart_id", lineItem, {"custom_key":"value"});
#####Custom Events
With custom events you have the ability to create and track specific events that are more closely aligned with your app. If planned and structured correctly, custom events can be strong indicators of user intent and behavior. Some examples include pressing the “like” button, playing a song, changing the screen mode from portrait to landscape, and zooming in or out of an image. These are all actions by the user that could be tracked with events.
To include tracking of custom events for the mobile app, the following callbacks need to be included in the application code:
// Emits a custom event without parameters
R1Emitter.emitEvent("Your custom event name");
// Emits a custom event with parameters
R1Emitter.emitEvent("Your custom event name", {"key":"value"});
Callback arguments: (bool isStarted)
Indicates whether Push has started. Push starts automatically if you set up all the keys in config.xml.
R1Push.isStarted(function (isStarted) {
Enable or disable R1Push.
Callback arguments: (bool isEnabled)
Indicates whether R1Push is enabled.
R1Push.isEnabled(function (isEnabled) {
Callback arguments: (String deviceToken)
Get the push identifier for the device. Can be null if R1Push not enabled.
R1Push.getDeviceToken(function (deviceToken) {
Note: iOS only
Set application badge number.
Note: iOS only. For Android the callback will always be a 0 value.
Callback arguments: (int badgeNumber)
Get currently used badge number.
R1Push.getBadgeNumber(function (badgeNumber) {
Set tags for the device.
R1Push.setTags(["Tag1", "Tag2"]);
Add tag for the device
Remove tag from the device
Callback arguments: (Array tags)
Get the current tags.
R1Push.getTags(function (tags) {
Notify the push deviceToken has changed
document.addEventListener("R1Push.deviceToken", function(event) {
// event.deviceToken
}, false);
For iOS and Android: Notify when a push notification is recieved when the application is running in the foreground
For Windows Phone 8: Notify when a Toast notification is recieved when the application is running in the foreground
document.addEventListener("R1Push.foregroundNotification", function(event) {
// event - object with full information about notification
}, false);
Only for iOS and Android! Notify when a push notification is received when the application is running in the background and the app is opened by this notification
document.addEventListener("R1Push.backgroundNotification", function(event) {
// event - object with full information about notification
}, false);
Only for Windows Phone 8: Notify when a Raw notification is recieved when the application is running in the foreground
document.addEventListener("R1Push.foregroundHttpNotification", function(event) {
// event - object with full information about notification
}, false);
An example can be found in Demo. To run it, copy the files:
- Demo/index.html to www/index.html
- Demo/css/* to www/css
- Demo/js/* to www/js