Awesome responsive grid system for Qwik :) that allows you to control the grid based on percentage instead of clasic 12 or 24 columns we use percentage
A simpler and faster way to accommodate information within the layout area, so we set the area in percentage (100%) similar to the 24-section layout area of Ant design or the 12 colums of bootstrap, you can think it as a 100 col system. To ensure a high level of visual comfort.
Library in which its main objective is to have the greatest control of the behavior for the grid in qwik.
Row and Col are used so it will be very familiar if you have already interacted with Ant Desing, Boostrap, etc. the Grid is handled by percentage with 100% referring to the maximum.
The Row and Col can receive properties which help us to have greater control of these.
npm install --save qwik-forge-grid
import React, { Component } from 'react' // Ignore react stuff
import {Frow, Fcol} from 'qwik-forge-grid'
function BasicUsage() {
// -----------------------RENDER
return (
<h1>MVariant Usage</h1>
<hr />
<Mrow debug> {/* active debug tool to see the grid elements in colors*/}
<Mcol span={70}>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, nisi.
Nihil provident sunt tempore, exercitationem aspernatur atque eum
quidem vero natus, expedita fugiat blanditiis numquam possimus beatae!
Assumenda, dignissimos consequatur.
<Mcol span={20}>20%</Mcol>
<Mcol span={10}>10%</Mcol>
<Mcol span={25}>25%</Mcol>
<Mcol span={25}>25%</Mcol>
<Mcol span={25}>25%</Mcol>
<Mcol span={25}>25%</Mcol>
<Mcol span={40}>40%</Mcol>
<Mcol span={60}>60%</Mcol>
<br />
<h1>Basic Usage</h1>
<hr />
<Frow debug>
<Fcol span={70}>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, nisi. Nihil provident sunt
tempore, exercitationem aspernatur atque eum quidem vero natus, expedita fugiat blanditiis
numquam possimus beatae! Assumenda, dignissimos consequatur.
<Fcol span={20}>20%</Fcol>
<Fcol span={10}>10%</Fcol>
<Fcol span={25}>25%</Fcol>
<Fcol span={25}>25%</Fcol>
<Fcol span={25}>25%</Fcol>
<Fcol span={25}>25%</Fcol>
<Fcol span={40}>40%</Fcol>
<Fcol span={80}>80%</Fcol>
Import the styles if not working!!!
import 'node_modules/qwik-forge-grid/lib/build/(some css file).css'; // Import the styles if not working!!!
If using scss or similar add the following in your vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
export default defineConfig({
// ...other config
resolve: {
alias: {
'@node_modules': '/path/to/your/node_modules'
Then in your index.scss or similar
@import './theme.scss';
@import './global.scss';
@import '@node_modules/qwik-forge-grid/lib/build/(some css file).css';
Usage examples and donations:
-Check the docs and examples (need to be updated but will help) at https://qwik.forgemytech.com/
MIT © sudo-boss