A skeleton node js app builder
A simple and quick way to setup a nodejs application ready to go with sockets, api and view routes.
Do expect the structure to keep changing till version 1 is released. This is still currently a proof of concept for now.
To install run
npm install -g quilk-cli
To use quilk-cli
This installs a skeleton app pre-configured with webpack, express and nunjucks tpl engine. Plus a few other extra goodies.
quilk-cli install-light
The full app is now pre-configured with user authentication. Just npm install -g quilk webpack
to run webpack and quilk and your app is built..
The default app will display a pretty login form, a register form then once logged in a simple api tester.
quilk-cli install-full
This displays the help available for quilk-cli... although there is only these 2 commands at the moment :)
quilk-cli --help
Latest commits
- The install-full got some more fleshing out on the front end. It is now on the new ecmascript 6 shizzle, I threw in a little router in there too.
- If you are used to the routes -> controllers pattern from other frameworks, including this node app this will make sense. Each router maps to a controller... Just ensure quilk is on 2.0.5+ and you are good to go.