An easy, lightweight scraper for humans with many inbuilt features..
Quick Scraper
An easy, lightweight scraper built using typescript for good developer experience.
- If it works in cheerio, it will work here.
- Automatically change any encoding to UTF-8.
- Built on typescript.
- Great editor support.
- It doesn't play well with nested structures like
<a href="abcd">Some Url</a>
In this case, if you want to select the text abcd
, it won't work ootb as there are some limitiations in the way jquery does it directly, to handle such cases, use the raw output object and then apply the logic in there.
yarn add quick-scraper
npm i quick-scraper
import { quickScraper } from "quick-scraper"
await quickScraper({
url: "https://typestrong.org/ts-node/",
options: {
title: {
// This property can be changed to the name you want.
selector: ".hero__subtitle",
docs: {
selector: "a.navbar__item:nth-child(1)",
text: false, // Text is enabled by default, so you need to disable it explicitly.
href: true, // One of the attribute that's available by default.
selector: "a.navbar__item:nth-child(3)",
text: true, // You can also enable multiple attributes at once.
href: true,
// Output
rawString: <html>{...}</html> structure of your page in string format, load it in cheerio or do whatever you like with it.
data: {
title: { text: 'TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js' },
docs: { href: 'https://typestrong.org/ts-node/docs/' },
releaseNotes: {
text: 'Release Notes',
href: 'https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/releases'
Scrape a HTML string.
// The process works similar to the quickScraper, few things needs to be changed.
import { scrapeHtml } from 'quick-scraper';
await scrapeHtml({
html: "html source code from https://typestrong.org",
options: {
title: {
// This property can be changed to the name you want.
selector: ".hero__subtitle",
docs: {
selector: "a.navbar__item:nth-child(1)",
text: false, // Text is enabled by default, so you need to disable it explicitly.
href: true, // One of the attribute that's available by default.
selector: "a.navbar__item:nth-child(3)",
text: true, // You can also enable multiple attributes at once.
href: true,
// Output
rawString: <html></html> structure of your page in string format, load it in cheerio or do whatever you like with it.
data: {
title: { text: 'TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js' },
docs: { href: 'https://typestrong.org/ts-node/docs/' },
releaseNotes: {
text: 'Release Notes',
href: 'https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/releases'
Headless Quick Scrape
import { quickScraperHeadless } from "quick-scraper";
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true });
const page = await browser.newPage();
await quickScraperHeadless({
url: "https://typestrong.org/ts-node/",
options: {
title: {
// This property can be changed to the name you want.
selector: ".hero__subtitle",
docs: {
selector: "a.navbar__item:nth-child(1)",
text: false, // Text is enabled by default, so you need to disable it explicitly.
href: true, // One of the attribute that's available by default.
selector: "a.navbar__item:nth-child(3)",
text: true, // You can also enable multiple attributes at once.
href: true,
page: page
// Output
rawString: <html>{...}</html> structure of your page in string format, load it in cheerio or do whatever you like with it.
data: {
title: { text: 'TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js' },
docs: { href: 'https://typestrong.org/ts-node/docs/' },
releaseNotes: {
text: 'Release Notes',
href: 'https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/releases'
More Examples.
Custom Attribute
await scrapeHtml({
html: "html source code from https://typestrong.org",
options: {
relStatus: {
// This property can be changed to the name you want.
selector: "a.navbar__item:nth-child(3)",
rel: true // Key will be the identifier of the attribute you want to scrape.
All custom attributes will be accessible under Attrs key inside `output.data`
// Output
data: {
relStatus: { attrs: { rel: "noopener noreferrer" } }
List Item
import { quickScraper } from 'quick-scraper';
await quickScraper({
url: "https://www.ptwxz.com/html/11/11622/",
options: {
chapters: {
selector: ".centent > ul> li",
listItem: true,
raw: [Function: initialize] {}, // It's the default output from cheerio, use it as you like.
data: {
chapters: {
lists: [
{ text: '第一章 键盘侠' },
{ text: '第2章 杀机' },
{ text: '第3章 晴天霹雳' },
{ text: '第4章 第一部秘典' },
{ text: '第5章 坑爹的抽奖' },
{ text: '第6章 打赌' },
{ text: '第7章 突破' },
{ text: '第8章 信春哥' },
{ text: '第9章 老婆闺蜜' },
... 740 More Items