Easily generate RSA Public-Private Keypairs and use them for secure asymmetric one-way encryption and decryption!
npm install quick-encrypt
Add this to the js file that you are using it in:
let QuickEncrypt = require('quick-encrypt')
Generating a RSA Public-Private Keypair:
let keys = QuickEncrypt.generate(2048) // Use either 2048 bits or 1024 bits.
console.log(keys.public) // Public Key that has been generated.
console.log(keys.private) // Private Key that has been generated.
Encrypting a secret payload:
let publicKey = keys.public // " -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGJAoGBAIXlXZs+0FoIGBc5pjnZZxtvIzdDFtNi3SVi6vf2J...... "
let encryptedText = QuickEncrypt.encrypt( 'This is some super top secret text!', publicKey)
console.log(encryptedText) // Some encrypted text: " 01c066e00c660aabadfc320621d9c3ac25ccf2e4c29e8bf4c...... "
Decrypting a secret payload:
let privateKey = keys.private // " -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIICWwIBAAKBgQCF5V2bPtBaCBgXOaY52WcbbyM3QxbTYt0lYur..... "
let decryptedText = QuickEncrypt.decrypt( 'The encrypted text string here!', privateKey)
console.log(decryptedText) // The decrypted text: "This is some super top secret text!"
Full Example:
const QuickEncrypt = require('quick-encrypt')
// --- RSA Keypair Generation ---
let keys = QuickEncrypt.generate(1024) // Use either 2048 bits or 1024 bits.
console.log(keys) // Generated Public Key and Private Key pair
let publicKey = keys.public
let privateKey = keys.private
// --- Encrypt using public key ---
let encryptedText = QuickEncrypt.encrypt( "This is some super top secret text!", publicKey )
console.log(encryptedText) // This will print out the ENCRYPTED text, for example : " 01c066e00c660aabadfc320621d9c3ac25ccf2e4c29e8bf4c...... "
// --- Decrypt using private key ---
let decryptedText = QuickEncrypt.decrypt( encryptedText, privateKey)
console.log(decryptedText) // This will print out the DECRYPTED text, which is " This is some super top secret text! "
npm test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.