Makes it easy to replace require'd dependencies.
Quibble is a terser (and more magical) alternative to packages like
sandboxed-module and
mockery for mocking out dependencies
in tests of Node.js modules. Using quibble
you can replace
how require()
will behave for a given path. Its intended use is squarely
focused on unit testing. It is almost-but-not-quite a private dependency of
testdouble.js, as it
implements the td.replace()
function's module-replacement behavior.
Say we're testing pants:
quibble = require('quibble')
describe('pants', function(){
var subject, legs;
legs = quibble('./../lib/legs', function(){ return 'a leg';});
subject = require('./../lib/pants');
it('contains legs', function() {
expect(subject().left).toContain('a leg')
expect(subject().right).toContain('a leg')
That way, when the subject
loaded from lib/pants
runs require('./legs')
it will get back the function that returns 'a leg'
. The fake value is also
returned by quibble
, which makes it easy to set and assign a test double in a
For more info on how this module is really intended to be used, check out its inclusion in testdouble.js
There's only one option: what you want to do with quibbled modules by default.
Say you're pulling in testdouble.js and you want every quibbled module to default to a single test double function with a name that matches its absolute path. You could do this:
quibble = require('quibble')
defaultFakeCreator: function(path) {
return require('testdouble').create(path);
With this set up, running quibble('./some/path')
will default to replacing all
invocations with a test double named
after the absolute path resolved to by './some/path'
is not supported for ES Module stubbing
ES Modules support
Quibble supports ES Modules. Quibble implements ES module support using ES Module Loaders which are the official way to "patch" Node.js' module loading mechanism for ESM.
Note that Loader support is currently experimental and unstable. We are doing our best to track the changes in the specification for the upcoming Node.js versions.
If you're running a Node.js version smaller than v20.6.0, you must run Node with the quibble
package as a loader:
node --loader=quibble ...
Most test runners allow you to specify this in their command line, e.g. for Mocha:
mocha --loader=quibble ...
The quibble
loader will enable the replacement of the ES modules with the stubs you specify, and
without it, the stubbing will be ignored.
For versions larger or equal to v20.6.0, there is no need to specify a --loader
, as registering the loader
happens automatically once you use the API.
Restrictions on ESM
is not yet supported.
The API is similar to the CommonJS API, but uses quibble.esm
function, and is async:
// a-module.mjs (ESM)
export const life = 42;
export default 'universe';
// uses-a-module.mjs
import universe, {life} from './a-module.mjs';
console.log(life, universe);
(async function () {
await quibble.esm('./a-module.mjs', {life: 41}, 'replacement universe');
await import('./uses-some-module.mjs');
// ==> logs: 41, replacement universe
The parameters to be given to quibble.esm
for ESM modules are:
- the module path: similar to CommonJS, the path is relative to the directory you are in. It is resolved the ESM way, so if you're using a relative path, you must specify the filename, including the extension.
- the named export stubs: either null/undefied or an object with each property
having key corresponding to export names and value being the implementation
to use. To define the
export you can either define adefault
property here or use the third argument, but not both at same time. - the default export stub: if named export stubs does not contain a
key, you can define the default stub with this argument.
Note that quibble.reset
works the same as for CommonJS modules
ESM support also exposes the function quibble.esmImportWithPath
which both imports a module and
resolves the path to the module that is the package's entry point:
async quibble.esmImportWithPath(importPath)
: imports a module, just likeimport(importPath)
, but returns an object with two properties:module
: the module returned byawait import(importPath)
: the full path to the module (file) that is the entry point to the package/module.
Note that when mocking internal Node.js modules (e.g. "fs")), you need to mock the named exports both as named exports and as properties in the default export, because Node.js exports internal modules both as named exports and as a default object. Example:
const fsExports = {
readFileSync: function (path) {
console.log("using quibbled readFileSyns... yay!");
return "Looks like 'fs' was replaced correctly.";
await quibble.esm("fs", fsExports, fsExports);
How's it different?
A few things that stand out about quibble:
- No partial mocking, as proxyquire does. Partial Mocks are often seen problematic and not helpful for unit testing designed to create clear boundaries between the SUT and its dependencies
- Global replacements, so it's easy to set up a few arrange steps in advance of
instantiating your subject (using
just as you normally would). The instantiation style of other libs is a little different (e.g.require('./my/subject', {'/this/thing': stub})
- Require strings are resolved to absolute paths. It can be a bit confusing using other tools because from the perspective of the test particular paths are knocked out from the perspective of the subject and not from the test listing, which runs counter to how every other Node.js API works. Instead, here, the path of the file being knocked out is relative to whoever is knocking it out.
- A configurable default faker function. This lib was written to support the testdouble.js feature td.replace(), in an effort to reduce the amount of per-test friction to repetitively create & pass in test doubles
- A
method that undoes everything, intended to be runafterEach
test runs