JSON-based fast database.
Qui Database
Qui is a simple, interactive database created for facilitating data management in your company or project.
You can install the JavaScript library using these commands:
npm install qui-database --save
It is recommended using NodeJS 14.15.1 LTS for this package.
Here you will learn to use Qui using a script.
First example
const { Qui } = require('qui-database')
// This function is needed to use the database.
// Any localhost is allowed, but if you want to have remote storage you need to generate a link.
let foo = Qui.seeConnection()
// This function obtains the link that you have put into the connect function.
// This will create an empty JSON file named 'Clients'
Qui.post('Clients', 'id1', 'Alex')
// This inserts an element and a key into the database.
// first parameter is the database that will use
// second parameter is the key for finding and resulting
// third parameter is the value and the data that you will get when you use .find or .result
Qui.find('Clients', 'id1')
// This will find a value in the key that you defined.
// first parameter is the database that will use
// second parameter is the key that finds the value
let result = Qui.result('Clients', 'id1')
// Result is used for checking if a key exists or not.
// first parameter is the database that will use
// second parameter is the key that finds the value
Explanation and how works
Qui uses JSON files and stringifies your data. So, it is uncorruptible thanks to the FS technology.
How it works
Qui.post('Foods', '14', 'Popcorn')
// this data is converted by the npm to:
{"14": "Popcorn"}
And that is it.
Source code
If you want to contribute to Qui, you can view our GitHub repository.
You can join the Cherg discord server here.